5 1/2 days & my broody hasn't left the nest


The Omelet Ranch
10 Years
Sep 18, 2009
SF East Bay CA
I'm worried about my mabel!!! I just put a little bowl of water inside her nest box and she gulped it up. Hasn't eaten anything or had a poo. I had moved her from outside to a plastic swimming pool in the garage. She's in a cardboard box as flat as a pancake over her eggs. Water and food is right outside the box and also a dust bath.....

This is the Timeline
She went broody on tuesday 3/2 - sat on ceramic eggs till....
We don't have a rooster so I got eggs and put them under her on 3/4, also moved her from the outside pen to inside the garage in plastic swimming pool
Got two last eggs in the mail and put them under her on 3/5 Friday
She has not left the nest box AT ALL since 3/2....5 1/2 days ago

Are you with her 24/7? She might be popping off for a nibble once a day. They usually do, but minimal time. If she hadn't moved for 5.5 days, she wouldn't look so good.

Bless her, she wants to hatch!
no not 24/7 but I check on her often, but yeah she could be moving....ha ha

Anyone else out their think she's ok...the food still looks like the same amount...the container is full

ok ok, yes I'm nervous for her
She will be fine. People on here sometimes worry about broodies to much. Leave them alone they know when to get up to get something to eat and drink. Chicken where hatching egg before we where. Its their nature. They are not going to starve. If they stayed off the nest as much as some people on here think they should eggs would never hatch.

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