5 1/2 week old SLW gender?


Apr 13, 2019
Silver laced Wyandotte, 5 1/2 weeks old. I know sexing silver laced Wyandottes is tricky, am im thinking pullet, but I wanna see what everyone else thinks. Thanks!
These were 7 weeks old
Pic 1 the 2 on the left were cockerels, on the right pullet
Pic 2 foreground cockerel back ground pullet
Pic 3 left cockerel right pullet
If you click on each picture it will make it bigger so it is easier to see, hit the back button on your browser to go back to post.
Is that that the only SLW you have that age?
Is the bird rowdy and playful with the other chicks? More so that the others?
I hope you have a pullet, but there is a lot of red in that comb already for the birds age so I am leaning to cockerel
These were 7 weeks old
Pic 1 the 2 on the left were cockerels, on the right pullet
Pic 2 foreground cockerel back ground pullet
Pic 3 left cockerel right pullet
If you click on each picture it will make it bigger so it is easier to see, hit the back button on your browser to go back to post.
Is that that the only SLW you have that age?
Is the bird rowdy and playful with the other chicks? More so that the others?
I hope you have a pullet, but there is a lot of red in that comb already for the birds age so I am leaning to cockerel
Currently it's the only SLW i have right now. My friend took the other ones, and all of hers look around the same as this one. It is very rowdy compared to the other ones and always has been so I wondered about that, though my RIR pullet is also very rowdy as well. Thanks for the help!

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