5-6 week old chick crowing!


10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
Northeastern Michigan
My 5-6 week old chick is crowing, I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing/hearing. The chicks are in a pen with the other chickens but separated and today one of the little ones with a larger comb then the others crowed like 5 times in a row after hearing the big rooster crowing. He puts his neck out straight all the little feathers stick up and a long chirpy screech sound comes out. I thought something was wrong with him at first but after watching him I realized he was attempting to crow and producing at least some kind of sound. He’s very protective of the other chicks and somewhat aggressive. Should I be worried about a hormone/chemical imbalance or is this perfectly normal.
Its normal I have a silkie/BCM mix that just crowed the other day for the first time and he is 6 weeks old. I also have a Delaware roo thats 7 weeks old no crow yet. My BR's crowed at 5-6 weeks.
Ha Ha Ha, so cute! What breed is this little guy? I've had barred rocks start crowing at about five weeks; little high-pitched baby crows. It's pretty cute to me. The fact that he's crowing isn't a worry so much, but yeah, if he's already pretty aggressive and bossy, he's not likely to out grow those character traits.
I believe he's a black mottled d'uccle bantam, and I double checked how old he is and he's 4 and a half weeks old. Anyone want a Future trouble roo, he’ll be pretty to look at and probably pretty good exercise to run from too, oh boy what am I going to do.

Julia Child was about 5 - 6 weeks when I took this video. We also wondered if something was wrong with him (dad said it sounded like a broken ooga horn :lau), but noooo, he was trying to crow, and therefore, was renamed Jules Verne shortly afterward... 😂

He was a week younger than the others too. And he became one of the most aggressive of the roosters. 😅 He tried to spur my Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer socks. Only those socks. 😆 Rudolph is a threat I guess. 🤷‍♀️

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