5-6 week old Toulouse Gander in New Mexico!!


6 Years
Feb 22, 2013
Northern NM
Hey there, I have a young gander that i think is 5 or 6 weeks old.. Hes got most of his feathers in anyway. He is a plucker :( He is in my juvinile pen and he is plucking my white male birds bald to the point that he is putting them into shock. Ive already lost my male Embden that was the same age and hes come close to killing a white turkey and a white bantam rooster. He isnt agressive with people or dark colored birds. Ive seriously come close to wringing his neck but I know its not his fault. I was told my goslings were female and ended up with 2 and 2 :/ If anyone in NM is interested I can make arrangements to bring him to you. If anyone has any other suggestions Id love to hear them.

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