5-6 weeks - need gender help!

Really, really hoping for all hens. Minnie Pearl is the favorite of my boys - s/he lets my 5 year old perch her on his arm and walk around pretending he's a pirate and s/he's a parrot. They both seem to be enjoying themselves.

Technically I think we might be able to keep a rooster but I'm not sure I'm up for it.

I found these chicks on craigslist. The lady I got them from made no guarantees but sexed them by turning them upside down and dangling a needle tied to a string over them. It went in circles each time, which she said meant girl. She even picked a boy that she had identified earlier and showed me how the needle went back and forth. Not a strong believer in old wives tales but I have a friend's mom who swears on the same technique with pregnant women.
I think it is really too soon to tell. When you have several different breeds together, it can be confusing because different breeds develop differently, with different sized combs on males and females. You can have a male of one breed with a tiny comb compared to the female of another breed. It is fun to guess, but you really won't know for a while yet. Different breeds have different body types too. For the longest time I thought my Easter Egger was a rooster because of her body type and tall tail, but no, she's just very butch. ;-) If they were all the same breed you could kind of compare them to each other and check for differences. Anyway, good luck getting what you want! They sure are pretty chicks...

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