5-6 year old Polish hen going blind? Pupils gray

I'm going to try to address the Marek's questions...

First, yes, you are able to vaccinate for Marek's at any age. It is just preferable to innoculate as day olds since the vaccine works best at that time.

Marek's vaccine does not stop birds from getting Marek's, it only stops them from developing the tumors associated with the disease. It is only 90% effective and that rate drops if the vaccine is not stored, reconstituted and used within the hour time frame.

I've had 40 + birds die from Marek's...I've yet to see one case of Ocular Marek's...so, to have two come up with it would be crazy odds in my opinion. I'm thinking in that case that there is something genetic going on.

There is only one way to test for Marek's and that is to have the bird euthanized and a necropsy performed.

Hope this helps clear up some questions and if you have any others, feel free to ask!
Quote: My girls are Plymouth Rocks. Where did you get yours? I got mine from Murray McMurray, and this is the first problem we've had with them.

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