$5 a gallon of gas rant

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Technically they had a filibuster proof Senate. In reality they didn't. Like Joe said. The Blue Dog dems voted Republican in most cases. They didn't really have a right to occupy the seats they were in anyway. The only reason they got elected was outrage at Bush. In addition to that the dems are much different in their voting than the pubs. The pubs are literally in lock step with whoever is running them. They vote with their party down to the last man usually. The dems hold their fingers up in the air to see which way the wind is blowing and vote whatever is best for their re election chances.

The health care package is projected to save 800 billion over 10 years by the CBO. No cost there. Without the stimulus we would be in a lot worse shape than we currently are. The stimulus should have been much bigger than it was. They shouldn't have wasted 40% of it on tax cuts that only democrats that paid attention even knew about. Most of the people that watch Fox actually thought we had a Federal tax increase. So that was a serious waste.

I fully agree with your last two sentences though.
Just remember, a lot of your electricity is produce from coal!
Sure hope so.

So what would you like them to do? More tax cuts which would add more Trillions to bush's $10+ Trillion dollar debt?

Rarely mentioned is bush's ten year projected deficit of $8-12 Trillion dollars which means the debt will go up $.8-$1.2 Trillion/year no matter what unless revenue is increased or expenses cut.

Obama put cheney/bush's wars on the books as well as bush's prescription drug program, would you feel better if those costs were off the books again?

Sure hope so.

So what would you like them to do? More tax cuts which would add more Trillions to bush's $10+ Trillion dollar debt?

Rarely mentioned is bush's ten year projected deficit of $8-12 Trillion dollars which means the debt will go up $.8-$1.2 Trillion/year no matter what unless revenue is increased or expenses cut.

Obama put cheney/bush's wars on the books as well as bush's prescription drug program, would you feel better if those costs were off the books again?


And just remember, it matters not which party is in charge in congress, or which party is in the white house. NONE OF THEM have my interests or yours in mind. They only care about people with money and power, not average citizens with chickens and vegetable gardens who work for a living. Our government hasn't given a crap about folks like you and me for longer than I can remember. So I just keep doing my thing every day and wait for when it all falls apart, because with the infighting of the parties and the top 2% richest folks in the country being given tax breaks, there's no way on God's green earth this country will survive the next century.
Just remember, a lot of your electricity is produce from coal!

Rozzie I like your thinking. We turn our heat down to 60 at 8PM. Just put 2 down comforters, 2 polyester comforters and a quilt on the bed. Nice and toasty. Heater comes back on at 5am set at 65. we saved about 30% on propane the 1st year.
Sorry, the stimulus pumped money into states to repair roads, keep teachers in classrooms. police and fire personal in the community and as someone else said the stimulus should have been bigger.

As for "spending more money than all govts from George Washington to George Bush combined" .... what are you talking about? The millionaire you are listening to on talk radio is lying.
When Reagan came into office in 1981 the deficit was $904 "B"ILLION DOLLARS. That was after the Vietnam war ended, Arab oil embargoes, Nixon taking the country off the gold standard, Nixon's 1000 days of wage and price freeze.

When Reagan and Bush Sr. left office the Debt was $4.5 "T"rillion with a projected deficit. Bill Clinton managed to balance the budget after eight years but there was still a deficit. By the time Clinton left office the Debt increased to $5 "T"rillion dollars despite having balanced the budget.
Cheney/bush left office with a debt of $10+ "T'rillion dollars and a ten year projected DEFICIT of $8-12 "T"rillion Dollars.

The current administration but bush's wars back on the budget as well as bush's prescription drug program and any additional hiring was for homeland security.

With all due respect; start doing research instead of getting your talking points from millionaires on talk radio and cable T.V.
So what would you like them to do? More tax cuts which would add more Trillions to bush's $10+ Trillion dollar debt?

Rarely mentioned is bush's ten year projected deficit of $8-12 Trillion dollars which means the debt will go up $.8-$1.2 Trillion/year no matter what unless revenue is increased or expenses cut.

Obama put cheney/bush's wars on the books as well as bush's prescription drug program, would you feel better if those costs were off the books again?


And just remember, it matters not which party is in charge in congress, or which party is in the white house. NONE OF THEM have my interests or yours in mind. They only care about people with money and power, not average citizens with chickens and vegetable gardens who work for a living. Our government hasn't given a crap about folks like you and me for longer than I can remember. So I just keep doing my thing every day and wait for when it all falls apart, because with the infighting of the parties and the top 2% richest folks in the country being given tax breaks, there's no way on God's green earth this country will survive the next century.

well said HHandbasket i agree... and they sure as heck dont care about the chickens!!
funny but not funny
Sorry, the stimulus pumped money into states to repair roads, keep teachers in classrooms. police and fire personal in the community and as someone else said the stimulus should have been bigger.

As for "spending more money than all govts from George Washington to George Bush combined" .... what are you talking about? The millionaire you are listening to on talk radio is lying.
When Reagan came into office in 1981 the deficit was $904 "B"ILLION DOLLARS. That was after the Vietnam war ended, Arab oil embargoes, Nixon taking the country off the gold standard, Nixon's 1000 days of wage and price freeze.

When Reagan and Bush Sr. left office the Debt was $4.5 "T"rillion with a projected deficit. Bill Clinton managed to balance the budget after eight years but there was still a deficit. By the time Clinton left office the Debt increased to $5 "T"rillion dollars despite having balanced the budget.
Cheney/bush left office with a debt of $10+ "T'rillion dollars and a ten year projected DEFICIT of $8-12 "T"rillion Dollars.

The current administration but bush's wars back on the budget as well as bush's prescription drug program and any additional hiring was for homeland security.

With all due respect; start doing research instead of getting your talking points from millionaires on talk radio and cable T.V.

100% Yup.
Sorry, the stimulus pumped money into states to repair roads, keep teachers in classrooms. police and fire personal in the community and as someone else said the stimulus should have been bigger.

As for "spending more money than all govts from George Washington to George Bush combined" .... what are you talking about? The millionaire you are listening to on talk radio is lying.
When Reagan came into office in 1981 the deficit was $904 "B"ILLION DOLLARS. That was after the Vietnam war ended, Arab oil embargoes, Nixon taking the country off the gold standard, Nixon's 1000 days of wage and price freeze.

When Reagan and Bush Sr. left office the Debt was $4.5 "T"rillion with a projected deficit. Bill Clinton managed to balance the budget after eight years but there was still a deficit. By the time Clinton left office the Debt increased to $5 "T"rillion dollars despite having balanced the budget.
Cheney/bush left office with a debt of $10+ "T'rillion dollars and a ten year projected DEFICIT of $8-12 "T"rillion Dollars.

The current administration but bush's wars back on the budget as well as bush's prescription drug program and any additional hiring was for homeland security.

With all due respect; start doing research instead of getting your talking points from millionaires on talk radio and cable T.V.

Really? And you quoting Krugman is different how? His political leanings proceed him by about 100 feet when he walks in a door...
I'm not really sure why a rant about the price of gasoline is turning into a political debate.
Sorry, the stimulus pumped money into states to repair roads, keep teachers in classrooms. police and fire personal in the community and as someone else said the stimulus should have been bigger.

As for "spending more money than all govts from George Washington to George Bush combined" .... what are you talking about? The millionaire you are listening to on talk radio is lying.
When Reagan came into office in 1981 the deficit was $904 "B"ILLION DOLLARS. That was after the Vietnam war ended, Arab oil embargoes, Nixon taking the country off the gold standard, Nixon's 1000 days of wage and price freeze.

When Reagan and Bush Sr. left office the Debt was $4.5 "T"rillion with a projected deficit. Bill Clinton managed to balance the budget after eight years but there was still a deficit. By the time Clinton left office the Debt increased to $5 "T"rillion dollars despite having balanced the budget.
Cheney/bush left office with a debt of $10+ "T'rillion dollars and a ten year projected DEFICIT of $8-12 "T"rillion Dollars.

The current administration but bush's wars back on the budget as well as bush's prescription drug program and any additional hiring was for homeland security.

With all due respect; start doing research instead of getting your talking points from millionaires on talk radio and cable T.V.

Really? And you quoting Krugman is different how? His political leanings proceed him by about 100 feet when he walks in a door...
I'm not really sure why a rant about the price of gasoline is turning into a political debate.

Maybe because the two things are joined at the hip. It's hard to deny that the price of gas and our dependence on oil and failure to develop alternative energy sources is political in nature.
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