$5 a gallon of gas rant

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I know why----when the economy tanked, the profit mongers held their breath. The government claimed recovery and people went back to spending for the holiday season------so the profit mongers, said business as usual, let's charge what the market will bear.
I've seen this before, the Oil shut off by OPEC in 1974 caused people to reduce spending, alternative energy/fuel sources were being researched and developed. OPEC said to themselves "Oh S***" and dropped the price of crude for long enough that all the alternatives became uneconomic and were dropped until the present when again we're developing alternative energy/fuel sources---but this time they've learned and have the powers that be part of the profit mongers themselves. That's why the price of everything will continue to go up until everyone joins the ranks of serfdom. I enjoy my wood heat and garden and chickens, now if I can only keep the property taxes from stealing everything I've worked for. Join the revolution, buy nothing, you don't have too.

Ay! Men!! Brother. My kind of thinking!!!

(And just wait till the Chinese balk on another Bond Auction, and the Gulf Cartel finally collectively agrees to STOP trading oil in USD. THAT's when a backyard garden, a flock of chickens, and a long term vision like this will finally make all the "sleeple" wake up and wish they had paid off the house instead of redoing the kitchen.)
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