5 and 6 week old bbs orpington eggs hatched w00t! photo

Congratulations MissPrissy,If anyone could do it, it would be you.Those were pretty old eggs.You did'nt play around with those pot plants did you?
I know, DH is sleeping and I am bursting at the seams! Miss_Prissy, thank you for being a good sport. Now back the topic, sorry everyone!
I couldn't toss them and I wasn't interested in eating them. Can you see the horrid physical pain I was suffering from, Joe????

Nothing risked = Nothing gained. It may fail the next time but this time it worked.
you mean you had them out not even in an incubator...that is so amazing...how in the world...i am stunned....
Aww, beautiful peeps Miss Prissy!
For some reason I keep forgeting and eggs keep ending up in my bator too.
That's some excuse you used.

Jody, I think my dh will kill me if I set another hatch.I have been hatching something since before last February (?) I think - over a year.

Truthfully, I am getting tired of brooding so many different birds. I am thinking one more orp hatch would be good for me. LOL

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