5 BBS cayuga and 1 mix call duck hatching eggs


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Greencastle, IN
Right now I have 5 BBS cayuga eggs and one call duck egg that I can ship tomorrow. If I get anymore eggs before I ship I will add them in too.

In my group of cayugas, I have a black drake with black, blue, and silver hens. So you will hatch out black or blue ducklings.

In my call duck group, I have chocolate, black, and blue drakes with black, chocolate, and blue hens.

I can not guarantee your hatch rate due to shipping and/or incubation methods. I accept paypal.

Here are two eggs I got a few days ago. I don't have any as dark as the one in the picture, but I do have one that is grey.


Here are two of the hens with they were still very young.

This is a picture of my cayugas. I don't have the silver drake anymore but I have two of his daughters.


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