5 month old turkey twisted leg need some advice pictures posted


In the Brooder
Aug 23, 2021
So my mom has a male turkey bout 5 months old one leg is twisted and bent at the joint joint very swelled foot is very swelled. He eats well drinks fine
I have tried wrapping and soaking in epsom salt bath see if it would help him he has been oh so very patient with me but I am starting to feel a bit defeated here since the leg doesnt seem to wanna straighten out I was going to put him in a sling but had someone say it's not a good for him. Thank open to any advice if it looks as if it's not something that can be fixed I'm prepared for that news as well but I would like to try a little more he is very sweet and lovable bird. I'll answer any questions if need to know more jnfo


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Yeah my moms was feeding him the same as her chickens cus her first two turkeys did fine on it but I told her not all are treated the same he gets scratch layer formula and the other regular bag of chicken feed I'm currently got him on Turkey starter hoping it may have a bit more of what he needs just a small bag of it I wasnt sure if he should be on it to long also been giving him electrolyte water he doesnt have a massive weight gain from last time I visited my mom to now when I moved to pa. Which would be about a month and a half span maybe added a couple lbs... I cant get a standing pic he refuses to put it down it's quite sore
Welcome to BYC. Can you post a picture of him standing and do you know what type of food he is being fed?
Made a sling to support him to get a standing pic it's pretty bad he can move it but mostly wanna keep it up


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Do we think it's a saveable thing? I just finished soaking him in epsom salt and wrapped it will keep updates posted here if anything changes I'll keep trying a bit longer for this guy the swelling went down a bit after a soak he seems to enjoy soaking in it.
I am not sure if such a twist in the leg is saveable. Is the hip out of joint?
Turkeys do not do well on chicken food. In fact, when I hatch poults and chicks together, I feed everyone turkey/gamebird starter over chick starter, because poults require more protien and certain nutrients than chicks do, but chicks do just fine on food for poults.
I am not sure if such a twist in the leg is saveable. Is the hip out of joint?
Turkeys do not do well on chicken food. In fact, when I hatch poults and chicks together, I feed everyone turkey/gamebird starter over chick starter, because poults require more protien and certain nutrients than chicks do, but chicks do just fine on food for poults.
It's at his hock its twisted not the hip the hip is in great shape still if I can get get the leg healed he may just be a crooked footed turkey well see.

I agree I got some chicks myself and I'm raising them with turkey and little duck starter I read they require more niacin as well unlike chickens I happened to have baby ducks who on duck starter so far so good they seem probiotic and electrolytes in the water. Pick hot days let them in the grass for 5 minutes or so to pick I'll let everyone know in a few more days if anything changes or if he doent seem to be changing. Thanks for the advice everyone.
I said id post an update here in my attempts well swelling has gone down alot been changing bandages everyday soaking in epsom salts gave a full bath to clean em up and starting to stand on their hocks now and use the leg, foot swelling has gone down been started to do physical therapy stretching and moving leg around definatly not as sore as used to be leg has straightened out some as well so anyone who has wondered did find a small laceration assuming that started started it all got infected. Using a mix of peroxide and iodine for cleaning wound sometimes mild soap then spraying wound aid for chickens on wound and bandages and looking good. Gunna keep at it still a healthy drinker and eater.
It's at his hock its twisted not the hip the hip is in great shape still if I can get get the leg healed he may just be a crooked footed turkey well see.

I agree I got some chicks myself and I'm raising them with turkey and little duck starter I read they require more niacin as well unlike chickens I happened to have baby ducks who on duck starter so far so good they seem probiotic and electrolytes in the water. Pick hot days let them in the grass for 5 minutes or so to pick I'll let everyone know in a few more days if anything changes or if he doent seem to be changing. Thanks for the advice everyone.
Are there any pictures of turkeys with bad legs, and how to wrap them, I have a 3 month old hen with a bad leg, but she keeps up with my other hen turkey and black laying hen chicken, I just feel bad because I think that she also ate some chicken starter but enjoyed her turkey starter feed best!

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