5+ Olive Egger eggs( Could get Lavenders or Lavender Splits)


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Greencastle, IN
I sold the eggs that will be shipping tomorrow, but if someone wants these eggs you can get some for $5.00 and I will ship them Saturday. I meant to make this a buy it now and didn't.

I already have 5 eggs from my Marans mix pen. I just sold my extra rooster yesterday that was in there that needed to go. Hens in the pen: 2 Black Copper and one Blue Copper Marans ; I also have a lavender Split olive egger. She is from one of my lavender Ameraucana roosters and one of the Marans hen. I did hatch out a few Lavenders from this pen already this year.
Rooster in the pen. I have a Black Copper Marans and a Lavender Split Ameraucana rooster.

Right now, I have three Marans eggs and two eggs from the olive egger. I should get a couple of Marans eggs today. I would like to ship these eggs tomorrow morning.

We have had good fertility here, but I can not guarantee your hatch rate due to shipping and/or incubation methods. I accept paypal

Picture of the Ameraucana rooster that was in there until yesterday.

Marans hens


Here is a picture of my Black Copper Marans Rooster. Sorry the pictures isn't that good. I took it this winter in the chicken coop. I need to get a better one of him outside.

Picture was taken last week. The eggs are still the same color as these.
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