5 week chick with slipped tendon (I think) need info on how to help

kivachicken dude

In the Brooder
Apr 29, 2020
i think my 5 week old chick has a slipped tendon and it is getting worse. how do i help it and fix it?? I am pretty sure it is a slip tendon because it sits on its knees while eating etc.
heres a vid! please give any advice
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Can you try to get a picture from the front of the legs in a normal position while standing while you hold it? Sometimes if it is not a slipped tendon, it could be a leg bone deformity in one or both legs called varus or valgus deformity. Many of these leg problems are not fixable, especially when they are a few weeks old. I would feed her 1/2 of a vitamin B complex tablet daily cushed in food or put in a small amount of water. Here is some info on slipped tendons:


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