5-week chicks begging to come inside?

When we first put ours out in the run, the coop was not quite finished. I was inside painting and putting in the vinyl floor and about dusk they started getting louder and louder. I looked out the open door and they all stood there staring at me and peeping like 'time to go to bed!'. I laughed out loud. I didn't have the ramp on yet and they didn't know how to get in. LOL But it only took a few nights of putting them inside when it was finished for them to figure it out. Now I go out at dusk and they're all up on the roosts, snuggled down, except for the 3 that insist on sleeping on the floor. And when I go out at daylight, they're all standing at the door, ready to come out. And this morning I heard two different ones crowing, well trying to anyway!
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It all depends on the termperature. I turned my brooder light off at at 2 weeks because it's so darn hot here they were perfectly comfortable, even at night. If it's warm enough in your brooder at night without the light then you can turn it off. If it's not, then leave it on.

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