5-Week Delaware Roo...and possibly hens?!?


5 Years
Aug 12, 2014
Ok, so I think the Delaware Roo is darn easy to figure out. My two other solid yellow chicks have since gotten splotches of brown on their feathers (so the consensus is that they're Red Sex Link males) but these two birds are still solid white with no markings.
They are significantly larger than my Brown Leghorns (and not as flighty) so I'm thinking they're not White Leghorns. McMurray is where they're from...
Could they be female Delawares? Or is that just wishful thinking and they're just two more boys to add to my flock of straight-run mostly Roos!!!



I bought some chicks this spring from the local feed store I have one that is a hen ( I hope) that looks just like your last picture except the comb is not as large and red. I was told that is a Delaware, am I right? Is that a hen????

I have a sister of it, bought in the same batch, no idea if they are really related that looks a lot the same but white with a yellowish tinge all over, It is definitely a hen, can that be a Delaware too??
I bought some chicks this spring from the local feed store I have one that is a hen ( I hope) that looks just like your last picture except the comb is not as large and red. I was told that is a Delaware, am I right? Is that a hen????

I have a sister of it, bought in the same batch, no idea if they are really related that looks a lot the same but white with a yellowish tinge all over, It is definitely a hen, can that be a Delaware too??
If the comb is single (like the OP's), it is likely it is a Delaware Pullet. Make a new thread & post a photo!
Ok very possible they're White Plymouth Rocks. Around the same size as my Delaware and my Barred Plymouth Rocks.
Think they're both boys? I wonder what boys vs. girls look like at this stage on White Plymouth Rocks.

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