5 week old chick failing to thrive??


May 23, 2020
Four weeks ago I brought home 4 week old chicks, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Specked Sussex's, and a Barnevelder. And about a week after I got them I noticed that my Barnevelder, Clementine, had fallen behind the rest of the flock. She wasn’t much bigger than the week before but her wings had begun to feather out with the other four chicks. They are now 5 weeks old and Clementine still looks much the same. Her wings extend past her body and are never flush against her body, things I have read to mean failure to thrive. She also still has her baby fuzz on her head but this morning I think

Other than her size she spends most of the day chirping whereas the other chicks have quieted down. She seems to be eating and drinking just fine but she doesn’t seem nearly as curious and adventurous as the others and lays down much more often. The other four chicks have also adopted her as their own baby, they lay with her and usually keep her in the center of them all when the sleep. I have never seen any of them peck at her or try to out her from the flock.

I have tried to feed her scrambled egg but she was completely uninterested. I’m not sure what to do at this point, I was planning on putting the chicks out into their new coop next weekend but I want to make sure I am doing everything I can to get Clementine in the best shape for her to survive outside.

Please send any and all tips!!
If it's failure to thrive there's not much you can do, there's something wrong internally or genetically that's causing them to not develop. Not saying you should give up on her, but don't be surprised if she just doesn't make it at some point.

If you have something like poultry nutri drench might want to give her doses of that for a few days to try and pep her up a bit.

Are the chicks off their heat source? How cold does it get outside? It'd be best if you could move them all out together instead of holding her back.
If it's failure to thrive there's not much you can do, there's something wrong internally or genetically that's causing them to not develop. Not saying you should give up on her, but don't be surprised if she just doesn't make it at some point.

If you have something like poultry nutri drench might want to give her doses of that for a few days to try and pep her up a bit.

Are the chicks off their heat source? How cold does it get outside? It'd be best if you could move them all out together instead of holding her back.
Thanks, I’ll get some nutri drench today. Im getting ready to wean them off the heat lamp, it stays pretty warm where I am, not below 60 at this point.

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