5 week old EE - thoughts?


May 23, 2019
5 week old EE sold as a sexed pullet - showing no roo characteristics. I know combs vary depending on breeds of parents, it's bigger than others (and different type?) but pale and waddes just noticed šŸ˜³



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For 5 weeks, Iā€™m suspicious of the wattle growth. Also, the legs look thick to me, but just could be the perspective of the pic. Youā€™ll see more clues in the next few weeks. If the shoulder feathers come in with a lot of red/rust it might indicate male. More wattle growth, thicker legs than other EE of same age, and pointy hackle feathers will be clues too. By 12 weeks male saddle feathers will begin to be apparent if male.

since EE are mixes, Iā€™d wait for more defining characteristics to show up. Generally a male wonā€™t crow until around 14+ weeks.

great pics! Post an update at 7-8 weeks.
For 5 weeks, Iā€™m suspicious of the wattle growth. Also, the legs look thick to me, but just could be the perspective of the pic. Youā€™ll see more clues in the next few weeks. If the shoulder feathers come in with a lot of red/rust it might indicate male. More wattle growth, thicker legs than other EE of same age, and pointy hackle feathers will be clues too. By 12 weeks male saddle feathers will begin to be apparent if male.

since EE are mixes, Iā€™d wait for more defining characteristics to show up. Generally a male wonā€™t crow until around 14+ weeks.

great pics! Post an update at 7-8 weeks.

thank you!!! Can't have Roos and my neighbors aren't very nice - want to throw them outside soon, so I'm trying to avoid any issues in advance lol. Will post again in a couple weeks.
Yes, this pic looks that way but "she" never walks like a "roo" otherwise. The four EE babies I have are not friendly like the others, so when I got her she flew on top of enclosure and I just snapped away. Wondering if it was her just being awkward šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼
The picture of the legs are pretty clear.
My boys legginess.
Just a couple for comparison.
thank you!!! Can't have Roos and my neighbors aren't very nice - want to throw them outside soon, so I'm trying to avoid any issues in advance lol. Will post again in a couple weeks.

too bad about the neighbors. But, youā€™ll know heā€™s male before he crows, EEs tend to not crow very early. I have a 13 week old male right now, who just started to crow, but itā€™s not that loud or crow-like yet. We got a new neighbor after we moved in. We were worried about what they were going to think about our chickens. We found out that the neighbor had lived in Africa for 10 years as a healthcare person and said they were used to roosters crowing and the loudest ones got eaten for dinner. <whew!> at least they came into it with some tolerance for chickens! But, weā€™ve had really sucky/unfriendly/call-the-cops-on-them neighbors in another home, so I can appreciate the predicament.
too bad about the neighbors. But, youā€™ll know heā€™s male before he crows, EEs tend to not crow very early. I have a 13 week old male right now, who just started to crow, but itā€™s not that loud or crow-like yet. We got a new neighbor after we moved in. We were worried about what they were going to think about our chickens. We found out that the neighbor had lived in Africa for 10 years as a healthcare person and said they were used to roosters crowing and the loudest ones got eaten for dinner. <whew!> at least they came into it with some tolerance for chickens! But, weā€™ve had really sucky/unfriendly/call-the-cops-on-them neighbors in another home, so I can appreciate the predicament.

these are those sucky/unfriendly/call-the-cops-on-them neighbors about everything - yet they claim to be tree hugging, composting peeps šŸ˜‚

fingers crossed and lots of praying over here šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼

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