5 week old hen with a crest

You'll have to update post when she lays! I know I know, long ways away but I didn't you gathered some curiosity whether she's full breed due to coloring! Jealous, I want those blue eggs in my daily egg fetch from my nesting boxes!

This picture doesn't make her look so dark. Looking at meyer's legbars they do seem to breed a little darker. One pic they show still has a cream based hackle but there is some red or chestnut there. Another pic of a younger chick shows no cream in the hackle. Some breeders focus more on getting that true blue egg and sacrifice feather coloring some. Maybe you are going to get a true blue layer!

The breeder I got mine from breeds more for standard and does say the eggs have a green tint to the blue (which hers do). For reference Here is mine at 3 mo. old.
Meyer is making Olive Eggers, too. I suspect that's why she looks a bit off, she's only half CCL.

"Meyer Hatchery has set up two different breeding programs to offer a variety of chicks! Our Olive Eggers were created by crossing some of our foundation stock of Cream Legbars, Black Copper Marans, Welsummers, and Blue Ameraucanas. Our F1 generation hybrids do typically lay an olive colored egg, however, the olive can be in various shades and the potential does exist to lay eggs of different colors."

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