5 weeks French Black Copper Marans Sexing


Sep 8, 2020
french black copper maran, 5 weeks.
I have been told this might be a rooster later, however, still have little hope it might be a hen? we just need a chocolate egger.


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So I have been looking around just for some comparisons for my French Black Maran. And what I have read and seen is that these guys can be tricky. A lot of the ones that look like cockerels end up being hens and visa versa. My little one is 3 weeks and is starting to develop wattles.

I took these pics yesterday. You can’t really see the wattles yet but they are there. Just tinny right now.


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So I have been looking around just for some comparisons for my French Black Maran. And what I have read and seen is that these guys can be tricky. A lot of the ones that look like cockerels end up being hens and visa versa. My little one is 3 weeks and is starting to develop wattles.

I took these pics yesterday. You can’t really see the wattles yet but they are there. Just tinny right now.
Looks like a pullet
Looks like a pullet
I sure hope so! Not holding my breath though. Really I would be ok either way with this one because I’m hoping to get a rooster for her if it is a male but that would mean ordering 3 more hens. Luckily I will have plenty of room. But I don’t want to over crowed to rooster population without knowing what the others are.
So I have been looking around just for some comparisons for my French Black Maran. And what I have read and seen is that these guys can be tricky. A lot of the ones that look like cockerels end up being hens and visa versa. My little one is 3 weeks and is starting to develop wattles.

I took these pics yesterday. You can’t really see the wattles yet but they are there. Just tinny right now.

My Marans started to have pink comb since she was 5 week old, but she is indeed a hen. Marans seems to have a early development of combs and wattles. Just wait until she's older.
My Marans started to have pink comb since she was 5 week old, but she is indeed a hen. Marans seems to have a early development of combs and wattles. Just wait until she's older.
Yeah….she is very sweet! She seems to be, well I’m not sure of the word to give her, but she will get loud and when I come to check on what’s going on she quiets down. The tries her hardest to get to me. Yesterday I had one of the other littles setting on the feeder and she knocked that little off to get up there so I would pick her up. But she also doesn’t want to be away from the others very long before she starts chirping again.

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