50% with hen hatching


Aug 3, 2018
Sorry for the long absence. I have one of my sebright hen's two years old. She decided to set on eggs a few weeks ago so I let her. I gave her 12 eggs. They started hatching three days ago. She decided to sit in an elevated box so I blocked it off so the chick,s could not fall. Today I went in and she was out of the box. She kept clucking and sticking her head in the box. I could see all 6 that had hatched looked good, cherping their heads off. She just kept it up. My chickens are not the type I can just walk up and pick them up. She let me pick her up and move her to a divided section of the coop and run. I then moved the chicks in and she instantly covered them up. I moved the 6 eggs remaining in also but she had nothing to do with them. She just done after 3 days of hatch? Or are the remaining eggs bad?

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