5th chick dying in my hands right now - help!

When you talk about cocci, is it coccidiosis? Because if it's the same as for the dogs, you can treat but since the parasites's eggs can remain in the feces, I think that after your 5 days of treatment your flock may be re-contaminated with the litter in your coop.

Maybe what I am saying is very basic and you already thought about that, but maybe you can re-do the 5 day treatement, then remove all litter from your coop and desinfect all the coop to prevent further spreading?

(not sure if doable of not, but that's what we did with dogs hehe)
My heart just breaks for you! Having just lost my whole flock but one bird I know what your going through!!! Luckily my last bird was not exposed to the other birds as she is a sort of house chicken. Its so awful one after another and I know exactly how your feeling. in my case it was a respitory virus. the exact nature of the exact virus is unknown because I didn't do testing which I should have. It spread so rapidly through my flock. I was devastated and still am. I never really realized how quickly something could spread until I went through it myself. How many birds do you have left? I really hope you can get to the bottom of this so you can start over. That's what I'm doing now is starting over. Its heart breaking but we have to move foward after all is done. Monday I have some babies being shipped to me.pray for their safe and healthy arrival because I don't think I could bare any more tragedy! Its difficult to start over but I'm giving it a try. My birds brought so much joy to my life I was totally wrecked to loose them. Keep us posted on how things are going and if you ever need to just talk I'm here for you. I understand completely what your going through as having gone through something similar myself. If you need a friend im here. If I can help you with anything don't hesitate to ask. I pray things start to get better for your birds and for you. Again I'm very sorry you have to deal with such tragedy!!
My heart just breaks for you! Having just lost my whole flock but one bird I know what your going through!!! Luckily my last bird was not exposed to the other birds as she is a sort of house chicken. Its so awful one after another and I know exactly how your feeling. in my case it was a respitory virus. the exact nature of the exact virus is unknown because I didn't do testing which I should have. It spread so rapidly through my flock. I was devastated and still am. I never really realized how quickly something could spread until I went through it myself. How many birds do you have left? I really hope you can get to the bottom of this so you can start over. That's what I'm doing now is starting over. Its heart breaking but we have to move foward after all is done. Monday I have some babies being shipped to me.pray for their safe and healthy arrival because I don't think I could bare any more tragedy! Its difficult to start over but I'm giving it a try. My birds brought so much joy to my life I was totally wrecked to loose them. Keep us posted on how things are going and if you ever need to just talk I'm here for you. I understand completely what your going through as having gone through something similar myself. If you need a friend im here. If I can help you with anything don't hesitate to ask. I pray things start to get better for your birds and for you. Again I'm very sorry you have to deal with such tragedy!!
I'm so sorry Realsis,i had no idea what you went through. My condolences on the loss of your girls,heartbreaking. Yes,i will pray for their safe and healthy arrival,they will arrive fine and healthy and ready to start a new life with you.
Add an Isbar chick with white puss coming from both eyes to the list being sent in :barnie
terrible hope you are wrong about flock destruction stuff and it doesn't end like that. that would devastating for you. So sad for your losses. Crossing fingers you get your answers quickly.
No new deaths so far today. Bless her sweet heart, I think my RIR "Henna" is trying to be my first broody. I told her no way - not in the middle of all this. She seemed to understand, LOL! In brighter news - I now have two 27 week old Kraienkoppes finally laying out of 3 I have left. They were a big mystery - some of my first chickens bought in April from a feed store. They were sold to me as Ameraucana, clearly were not. Then I thought they were Brown Leghorns, but they didn't have a straight comb. Then thought they might be rose comb brown leghorns, but it wasn't a rose comb either. It appears to be a walnut comb and they are now laying barely tinted cream colored eggs. They also have a call that sounds like the Amazon jungle "oo, oo, OO, Agh, Agh, AGHHHHH" that is totally crazy :) So Kraienkoppe it is I think...
No death today! YAY! I do see a bunch of chicks that may not have much time left though. We'll see. I hope they can make it through. One was gasping at bedtime and several have just stood hunched over with their wings drooping for days. They look like I feel when I have the flu, but I do survive the flu so maybe.... :fl
No death today! YAY! I do see a bunch of chicks that may not have much time left though. We'll see. I hope they can make it through. One was gasping at bedtime and several have just stood hunched over with their wings drooping for days. They look like I feel when I have the flu, but I do survive the flu so maybe....
No new deaths today :celebrate Lots of sick, wheezing, coughing, snotty birds - but no deaths. I had another cochin that would not roost with the others tonight so I tucked it away snuggled in a fluffy nesting box by itself since it wanted to be alone. I know that one might be gone in the morning, but I have my fingers crossed it will pull through. :fl I have 10 babies in one brooder in the living room and a second brooder in the back bathroom set up for the 13 due to hatch in the next 2 days. Tomorrow I have to pack/ship the bodies for the necropsies and just found out we are out of trash bags :he So I have to drive all the way to town for trash bags in hopes the box (which I still have to find) won't leak. I really hope I have some answers soon. I have seen some odd behavior from one of the babies in the house but I am trying to ignore it since there is nothing I can do about it. :rolleyes:
i hope your answer brings with it a treatment. my heart goes out to you the stress of having to package and send them would be gut wrenching. really feel for you.

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