5th chick dying in my hands right now - help!

So sorry for the terrible time that you and your family are having to deal with everything, our prayers are with you for your husband's treatment and recovery. Best wishes for you and your whole family.
So sorry for the terrible time that you and your family are having to deal with everything, our prayers are with you for your husband's treatment and recovery. Best wishes for you and your whole family.
Thanks so much. This is almost getting too ridiculous to post - but now I went out to feed the babies on the porch and they are pooping pools of blood :th I gave them Corid and will hope for the best.
Our thoughts are with you and your family with everything you all are having to deal with :hugs .
On top of everything else, not again, I know they are chickens, but sorry about the chicks, fingers crossed it is just coccidia and they will be fine with Corid.
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Thanks so much everyone :) Well, the latest update... the Corid did the trick and all those chicks are fine - YAY! They are in a new coop set up outside on the opposite side of the house and appear to be doing fine. The main flock is still sick and still occasionally dying though it has slowed down. In the last couple weeks I have only found one dead chick (my only beloved Huastec pullet sadly :hit ) and today one dead Crested Cream Legbar hen I didn't even know was sick :/ I have been through all the abx and it had no effect so I don't think it is bacterial. Texas A & M doesn't think its viral because of how slow moving and recurring it seems to be. So going to do some reading up on Aspergillosis and such to see if that might be it. meanwhile, I am working with hubby on alkalizing his diet to fight the cancer and we are meeting with lots of Doctors. He has not worked since the beginning of November but we have been blessed to get help from many sources and are making it. We have no long or short term disability insurance but do have cancer insurance so that has helped keep up with copays etc. I set up a fb page for anyone that wants to keep up with all that www.facebook.com/KillMyCancer

In the meantime - Merry Christmas everyone and have a Happy New Year! Hug all your loved ones tight and remember how lucky you are to have them.

I just read this thread and I'm sitting here :hit.
I am so sorry for all you have gone through and am going through. I sincerely hope your husband recovers and your chicken woes are less.
Best wishes for you and yours in the New Year and prayers that it will be much better than the last, so sorry for all you and your family are still dealing with, hope your husband responds well to treatment and your family gets through it all. Good luck with the chickens, happy at least the Corid seems to have the little ones feeling better, and hope that whatever hit the main flock has run its course.
Thanks everyone. Last year sucked rotten eggs, that is no exaggeration :) This year promises to be hard, but I hope victorious. Unbelievably this chicken illness continues. I went a couple weeks with no deaths and then it started all over again. One morning I went out and could see about a dozen newly ill juvies. I have had 4 more die this last week including a gorgeous CCL at POL who got sick and died within one week while many others drag on for weeks and weeks before dying. I've stopped actually counting, but I think we are up to about 60 dead over the whole 4 months so far. One good thing - the really sick CCL hen I posted the video of has fully recovered except that she is now blind in the eye that was infected. She is also a lap baby after being handled so much while sick. Tonight I contacted Greg at Old Orchard Farms as I have a pre-order of 4 lavender leghorns that are due in spring and I am terrified to bring any new babies into this mess. He advised I try Denagard and I just ordered it. Please cross you fingers this will be the miracle I have been waiting for with my feathered babies. :fl

Meanwhile hubby starts his first round of chemo on the 9th. I am really scared about it all, but trying to be positive. We are also working hard on alkalizing our body pH as I've read lots about how much that can help with cancer and lots of things. More finger crossing for him if you don't mind :D
New issues - one Breda went lame in one leg and died the same day. Another one just dropped dead by the feeder. Today I have a Collonca with severe wry neck and a Breda waddling on his hocks :( I am gutting the entire hen house and I'm afraid it is stirring stuff up. I am turning it into a "cote" as per Yashar and Resolution's recommendations for a healthier set up. But in the meantime it seems to killing them doing the work. :hit
I wouldn't be adding any more chickens to your flock, its obvious you have a highly contagious disease going through your flock and will continue to kill off your birds. Any that does survive will be carriers. It is probably best to cull them all and find out what is going on, then start over fresh. I know you love your birds, sorry if I sound harsh. I would not want to be in your position.

How did some of the necropsy results turn out that was done earlier?

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