5th chick dying in my hands right now - help!

I guess I'm just not understanding something.  This thread seems to be 8 months old and even has chicks sent for necropsies and Texas A&M couldn't give you a straight answer on what they are growing in those little petrie  dishes that you paid for?

I just don't understand how deaths go on for 8 months and no one knows why really.  My best guess would be that your flock has Marek's and that is wiping out everyone's immune system and your chickens are dying from every opportunistic bacteria you have there, cocci, pox, aspergillus, respiratory bugs, etc.  No one pill is going to wipe it all out.  I remember having 7 pullets that had been 2x vaccinated for Marek's wiped out from entiritis and then a one-eye infection.  They had a poor immune system and we had lots of rain.

I would not be hatching any eggs at this time.  It will never end if you do.

Hope Hubby is on the mend :hugs

Well 8 were tested and all they could tell me was that they had pneumonia, but that everything else was "inconclusive". It seems like finding Mareks should have been pretty easy?? I bought every medicine and antibiotic and tried every regimen they recommended. It made no difference. Every vet I called said they don't see chickens. The State guy I talked to said they only test for pullorum and something else as part of the NPIP certification. He said that I definitely didn't have those issues so he could not help me. I asked if they would come out and test to see what was here and they said they don't do that. He sent me to the Texas A & M folks again. They don't know what else to do except keep sending bodies for necropsy. That isn't cheap - and after 8 tries and no useful info I don't much see the point. I just finally found a vet in Southlake that says they see chickens. The soonest they can get me in is next Monday. I am not hatching anything but I have broody hens all over the place hatching babies. Every "professional" I talk to says that with the various abx I have tried with no effect that it isn't bacterial, and they say that if it was viral it should have been through the flock long ago. The only thing I can think of that is left is fungal and from my reading very few people know much or understand much about that. Most say there is no treatment. Each chicken they examine will be $74 apiece. That is just for the basic exam, not medicine or anything else. So I am going to bring 3 and see which they think it is best to examine - and if I really have to we will do them all. We were able to pull $9K from hubby's life insurance policy which is the only reason I can do this now. He has not worked since Nov 2013 because of the cancer/treatments and it takes 7 months for disability to start. Sure hope they can give me some answers - I am so sick of all this.
Have you tried Colloidal Silver? Seems worth a shot and you can even make your own to cut down on the costs. I've seen some pretty miraculous recoveries with people using this on their chickens. I've even seen where it got rid of Marek's.
Have you tried Colloidal Silver? Seems worth a shot and you can even make your own to cut down on the costs. I've seen some pretty miraculous recoveries with people using this on their chickens. I've even seen where it got rid of Marek's.
Yes, colloidal silver, oregano oil, garlic, cayenne, and oxine misting. The only thing I ever saw results from was the oxine misting. I've been through 3 humidifiers so far. It seems to help but just some. Right now 99% of the flock appears fine. I have 4 roosters with rattles still. I want to take one of them, one hen who seems to have won the battle months ago, and one chick I heard sneeze the other day.
I think we have something new now. Two hens with no symptoms dropped dead today. The vet said to bring 3 live birds, and now the 2 dead birds in tomorrow and they will observe them over the weekend, run tests, and if needed do a necropsy. I am hopeful they will do well with this. Besides being vets, they are wildlife rehabilitators, falconers, and chicken keepers themselves. Its two vets that are married to each other and apparently birds are their thing. I wish I could have found them 10 months ago. I am assuming that the Mareks test was done as part of the necropsy but maybe not ? Tonight they want me to transcribe the whole history of events for them, plus pictures and videos so they can catch up. I dread knowing what this bill will be, but I have to know what is going on. I may finally give up.

Medicines tried so far:
colloidal silver
oregano oil

I think that is everything, but I may be forgetting one between the SpecLinx and the Denagard.
Yes, colloidal silver, oregano oil, garlic, cayenne, and oxine misting. The only thing I ever saw results from was the oxine misting. I've been through 3 humidifiers so far. It seems to help but just some. Right now 99% of the flock appears fine. I have 4 roosters with rattles still. I want to take one of them, one hen who seems to have won the battle months ago, and one chick I heard sneeze the other day.

Has MG (CRD)been ruled out?
Have any of your birds ever been tested for mycoplasma? When I send mine of for necropsy they get tested for it.


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