5th chick dying in my hands right now - help!

I am so sorry for the hardship you and your family have been through.  How you managed, I don't know.  I wish I could be so strong.

Your story has a lot of us thinking "What ever can we do so that we don't have to go through the same thing?"  MG and MS is the reason I will  put known well healthy birds(my own eggs) with any outside eggs (chicks) I hatch for six weeks before mixing them with my flock.  I also put at least one healthy bird (expendable cockerels) with any newly acquired birds for 24 days or more in a strictly isolated  quarantine.  My chickens never even see the new chicken for almost a month.   This is the best I can come up with to isolate carriers. 

  I just wanted to mention that the eggs you gave to your friend to hatch could have been infected. I understand that MG and MS can be transmitted from infected birds to the embryo inside the eggs.  I'm not sure what this means.. that the embryo could become ill shortly after hatching, or if the chick could hatch a carrier (???)  I just don't know, but the danger warrants mentioning.  Have you given thought to how you got this disease? Hatching eggs?  New chickens?  Maybe wild birds can bring it in...?? 

I realize these comments may seem insensitive in the aftermath of what you, your flock and family have suffered from.  You need to be commended for sharing the entire ordeal and also including the conclusion.  Your story is making all of us better chicken keepers.   I'm so sorry you had to live through all this at once, but I  am in awe that even in the midst of your own hardship, you found the time and energy to share.

Thank you.

I am glad to hear that my story is helping others find safer ways. You are right that quarantine is often almost pointless when it comes to MG since if the carrier bird is dormant during quarantine it offers no actual safety. The sacrificial bird concept is hard but may help. I can never know for sure where it came from in my flock though I have very strong suspicion. I was in the process last year of collecting all the rare breeds from as varied lines as possible with the intent of breeding for sale. I bought from breeders all over. I bought hatching eggs, chicks, started birds and birds on the verge of lay. I also accepted some gifted bird or second hand birds from other backyard keepers that were not breeders. Only once did I receive what I knew was a sick bird. I picked it up from a friend who did not know him to be sick. She is a professional breeder, friend, very honest. She has never seen any sign of illness in her flock. When I picked him up I remarked on him stinking and that he must have gotten pooped on. I took him home in the middle of summer and although my car had the A/C on, by the time we got home 20 minutes away he was now drooling, had bubbling eyes, was wheezing and smelling really bad. I took him straight to quarantine and called my friend. She thought he must have gotten overheated and stressed. I doted on him for a month. During the first week a hen separate from him got a swollen eye. I moved her in with him. By the end of a month they both appeared fine. I moved them in with the flock. It took time but eventually this swept through everyone. My friend still has no explanation for how he could possibly have been ill. He had never shown signs while she had him. She has never had any other birds show signs. She still sells birds regularly and no one else has had any problems.

In other news... I had to cross my first name off the list morning. I was devastated. I brought my favorite pullet inside in a dog carrier yesterday because her leg appeared injured. Onyx spent the day eating scrambled eggs with garlic and cayenne, drinking water with colloidal silver in it, and snuggling with me on the couch. Her leg seemed painful to the touch but I couldn't feel anything obvious. I put some arnica lotion on it for any swelling though I saw none. I babied her all day. This morning she was dead, still warm, in the kennel. Her crop was full and she drank plenty of water. I have no idea. She had no breathing issues. I am assuming she was more hurt internally than i could see. I broke into tears and both my boys hugged me. I've seen a lot of death in this flock and I can usually keep it together. But she was very special. She is the one who always followed me everywhere, hopped in my lap, rode on my shoulder, talked to me constantly, and loved to just be held and sleep on me. I have one other young one like that and I am afraid she will be next :( I noticed a little bit of snot on her beak yesterday. I actually gave her a breathing treatment with colloidal silver in hopes it will help. I am going to treat her daily for a few days to see if it helps. I just cured my own pneumonia with the same treatment so I have some hope... but realistically I feel like it is just a matter of time for all of them.

Here was my Onyx on her last day on Earth :'(

Here is my Lacey

I just spent my evening reading this whole nightmare.  Oh what would I do, I do think you are also a warrior going through so much.  As a new chicken keeper, this whole disease part of it scares me to death.  Love my girls so much it would tear me apart. 
Glad to hear it sounds like your DH is out of the woods and hope your flock is as well.    

Truly, it is frightening. I had no idea about any of this when I started. Now that I am thoroughly shell shocked I would do it all very differently a 2nd time around. IF I lose or have to cull the entire flock and start over I will only get ONE breed from ONE source. That will be hard for me because I adore variety. But I also know now I do not have the heart to keep mine locked up. So since I'd like to be able to sell chicks and hatching eggs of purebred birds that means I have to focus on one thing. I am considering the lavender leghorns from Ultimate Orpingtons (Old Orchard Farms). Greg and Lauren Mignot run that and test for MG regularly along with the usual NPIP stuff. I would have ample (though admittedly boring colored) eggs, a rare color of a common breed, and a pretty good guarantee of healthy starting stock from a reputable breeder. Or I could go with Whitmore Farms, although I must admit I am not super excited about any of his breeds. I would probably go with the Ameraucana since I could at least get Blue, Black and Splash all together for some variety. That is as far as I've gotten in my thoughts on it. Although I have always wanted the "Favaucana" on mypetchicken.com. I know they aren't a recognized breed, but now that I have my own hybrids like that I see how gorgeous they are. Supposedly they are super productive too. But that would mean breeding my own since MPC never has them actually available. And that would mean buying Salmon Faverolle from an unverified source regarding MG :(
So sorry about you losing Onyx to, :hugs you just can't catch a break. Do hope the rest of your flock hangs in there.

The other nice thing about Ameraucana is they can be used for Olive Eggers, add Marans or Welsummers to the flock (Whitmore farms have both) and you could have blue/green, olive and dark brown eggs .....
I am so sorry you have lost so many and such a variety too. I am sure you are crushed as I surely would be and well and would probably give up but your story has really caused me to be prepared and learn as much as I can early on so I don't end up losing anymore. What do you think are the recommended products to have on hand for any injuries/illnesses? With my lucjh it would be a weekend and nothing open. I have betadine and kwik stop and that's it.

I have one of each Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, Americauna, Easter Egger, and an I'm not sure possible a Ranger. I can only have 5 where I am. I lost 2 of mine right after I got them. I got them all from the same person but the 2 that died were the easiest to catch just slow and not until I got them home did I notice how different they were from the others. They were not running around at all. All my others are growing well and have no symptoms. 2 are 20+ weeks now but still have light red combs and no eggs. Waiting patiently for those eggs.
I am so sorry you have lost so many and such a variety too.  I am sure you are crushed as I surely would be and well and would probably give up but your story has really caused me to be prepared and learn as much as I can early on so I don't end up losing anymore.  What do you think are the recommended products to have on hand for any injuries/illnesses?   With my lucjh it would be a weekend and nothing open.  I have betadine and kwik stop and that's it.

I have one of each Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, Americauna, Easter Egger, and an I'm not sure possible a Ranger.  I can only have 5 where I am.   I lost 2 of mine right after I got them. I got them all from the same person but the 2 that died were the easiest to catch just slow and not until I got them home did I notice how different they were from the others. They were not running around at all.  All my others are growing well and have no symptoms.  2 are 20+ weeks now but still have light red combs and no eggs.  Waiting patiently for those eggs.    

Gosh... what to have on hand... there are probably much better put together lists on here. But I can tell you some natural and not natural things that I have/use/do after all I have been through.

I use smashed garlic cloves and ACV with the "mother" in their water, except no ACV if its hot out as I read that inhibits cooling. I keep box fans in the coop about a foot off the floor to prevent stuff getting in them to keep them comfortable in the summer. I use tarps under the roosts so I can prevent as much poo as possible from being left on the floor of the coop. I dump all poo in a compost pile the birds can't access and wash the tarps daily. For the most part I now try to be hard hearted and cull versus treat a sick bird. It doesn't work out so well when its one of my faves obviously :/ I have a cold air humidifier to use Oxine in the coop if needed. I have tried various methods of coop floor management, but have finally gone back to deep litter with pine shavings. I make it very thick and keep it turned over. I had an open air coop, but have added panels to the lower walls to keep the pine shavings in and the water out. Damp shavings lead to illness. I have found quarantine is no guarantee, but it is still a great idea. I keep Oregano Oil and colloidal silver on hand for a variety of ailments. I make a potpourri of healthy herbs, dried flowers and essential oils which I put in their coop and nests for various purposes. I keep Arnica cream on hand for swelling. The only thing Ive used for worming was Valbazen, but I am interested in learning more about wormwood. I have found DE to be totally ineffective for anything I've tried it for. I don't know why. Many swear by it. I have used DE, wood ash etc with dirt, sand etc for their many dust bathing areas, but still ended up with a lice infestation and had to break down and us Poultry dust directly on the bird and a permethrin liquid sprayed in the coop. I have used many things to treat MG, but the only thing that had any noticeable effect was Denagard. I had to use it at treatment strength for 3 full weeks. I just don't want to medicate continuously so I am trying to go for natural immunity instead. Either way involves a lot of death and in the end it may still be pointless. That is all I have for now as I have to go take my ASD son for a fasting blood test this morning which should be a lot of fun, LOL!
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Another name off the list today. D'uccle has never had any symptoms at all and tonight he was making popping and wheezing sounds on the roost when I went to lock them up. As I got closer I saw actual slime bubbles coming out of his throat as he was struggling to breathe. So I sent him over to the other side :(

Thanks so much, that is very reassuring :) I lost a total of 20 chickens and now I think I am left with the rest currently being healthy. But who knows... I went out to the coop today and sat with my pad and pen and wrote down the names of everyone I have left (yes, they all have names, LOL!). There are 56 55 girls and 10 9 boys with 8 chicks recently hatched by Stripe, my Salmon Faverolle.

I am going to write their names here for record so that I can see how many are still left when winter ends and remember those that I lost.


Munchy - Blue Wheaten
Peter pan - Black Frizzled Sikie
Marble - Mix
Ivory - Mix
Rhody - Mix
Turkey - Bantam Birchen Cochin
Slate - Blue Ameraucana
Picasso - Mix
D'uccle - Bantam Mille Fleur D'uccle 10/29/14 Culled blowing bubbles and choking, no signs prior to today
Marty - Bantam barred Cochin


Speedy - Kraienkoppe 1 1/2 years old from very first batch of chicks
Cleopatra - Kraienkoppe 1 1/2 years old from very first batch of chicks
Ripley - Kraienkoppe 1 1/2 years old from very first batch of chicks
Mopsy - Crested Cream Legbar 1+ year old
Silver - Crested Cream Legbar 1+ year old
Little Blue - Crested Cream Legbar 1+ year old
Goldie - Crested Cream Legbar 1+ year old
Bubbles - Heritage Barred Plymouth Rock 1 year old I hatched
Madison - Blue Wheaten Ameraucana 1 year old I hatched
Wendy - Black Silkie
Amber - Gorgeous Faverolle Mix 6 months old, brooded by Ripley
Five - Gorgeous Faverolle Mix 6 months old, brooded by Patience
Four - Gorgeous Faverolle Mix 6 months old, brooded by Patience
Roja Blackfoot - Production Red raised with Amber by Patience
Bluebell - Crested Cream Legbar 1+ year old
Nada - Black Australorp purchased at 6 months, now 2 years.
Henna - RIR 1 1/2 years old from very first batch of chicks
Sienna - Daughter of Henna, 6 months old
Aaaaaaagh! - Gorgeous GLW mix, 6 months brooded by Cleopatra
Cocoa - Daughter of Ripley, brooded by Cleopatra 6 months
Onyx - Black Australorp crossed with CCL cross - black with a cute crest. Sweetest girl ever. 3 months, brooded by Ripley. Died 10/28/14 apparent internal injuries
Lacey - Silver Laced Wyandotte, 3 months, super sweet and brooded by Ripley.
Ebony - Black Ameraucana cross, 3 months, brooded by Little Owl
Stripe - Salmon Faverolle, 1 year old
Marigold - easter egger 3 months
Velvet - Blue Ameraucan hatched by me, 1 year old
Tinkerbell - White Leghorn 1 1/2 years old from very first batch of chicks
Patience - White Cochin, 1 year old
Crazy - White Cochin, 1 year old
Nefertiti - Egyptian Fayoumis, 1 year old
Bountiful - Gorgeous Lavender Ameraucana/Salmon Faverolle mix - 6 months, brooded by Little Owl
Ginger - Mix, 3 months
Mae West - Blue Marans, probably 3 or more years at least, barely lays any more.
Patina - Blue Marans Cross of some kind, giant and great layer, very friendly. 1 year
Goosey Lucy - Mix 1 year
Starburst - marans mix - 1 year
Moonbeam - marans mix 1 year
Shado - marans mix 1 year
Baby - blue Ameraucana crossbeak, sweet and super chatty, takes no crap from anyone :)
Petra - Mix 3 months
Brown Sugar - CCL/GLW hybrid 1 year
Silly Booger - CCL/GLW hybrid 1 year
Rose - CCL/GLW hybrid 1 year
Isabeau - Lavender Ameraucana - 1 year
Smoke - mix 3 months
Egypt - Mix 6 months
Misty - Easter Egger 3 months
Zephyr - Mix 3 months
Muffy - Smooth partridge Silkie
Oompa Loompa - bantam black cochin
Capuchin - Smooth Black Silkie
Monkey - Black Siklie
Argonaut - Buff Silkie
Squeek - Barred Rock - 3 months
B'Gawk! - Mix looks like Barred Ameraucana 3 months
Thumbelina - split Black Ameraucana @3 years


2 blues and 3 yellows yet unnamed
I had to cull another tonight. Marigold had snot dripping from her nostrils tonight when I did the nightly check at roost time. I am trying the experimental colloidal silver nebulizer treatment on Lacey still. It is not something that could practically be applied to a large flock, but it would be nice if it could be used to treat individual birds.
I went out to the coop today and sat with my pad and pen and wrote down the names of everyone I have left (yes, they all have names, LOL!). There are 56 55 54 girls and 10 9 boys with 8 chicks recently hatched by Stripe, my Salmon Faverolle.

I am going to write their names here for record so that I can see how many are still left when winter ends and remember those that I lost.


Munchy - Blue Wheaten
Peter pan - Black Frizzled Sikie
Marble - Mix
Ivory - Mix
Rhody - Mix
Turkey - Bantam Birchen Cochin
Slate - Blue Ameraucana
Picasso - Mix
D'uccle - Bantam Mille Fleur D'uccle 10/29/14 Culled blowing bubbles and choking, no signs prior to today
Marty - Bantam barred Cochin


Speedy - Kraienkoppe 1 1/2 years old from very first batch of chicks
Cleopatra - Kraienkoppe 1 1/2 years old from very first batch of chicks
Ripley - Kraienkoppe 1 1/2 years old from very first batch of chicks
Mopsy - Crested Cream Legbar 1+ year old
Silver - Crested Cream Legbar 1+ year old
Little Blue - Crested Cream Legbar 1+ year old
Goldie - Crested Cream Legbar 1+ year old
Bubbles - Heritage Barred Plymouth Rock 1 year old I hatched
Madison - Blue Wheaten Ameraucana 1 year old I hatched
Wendy - Black Silkie
Amber - Gorgeous Faverolle Mix 6 months old, brooded by Ripley
Five - Gorgeous Faverolle Mix 6 months old, brooded by Patience
Four - Gorgeous Faverolle Mix 6 months old, brooded by Patience
Roja Blackfoot - Production Red raised with Amber by Patience
Bluebell - Crested Cream Legbar 1+ year old
Nada - Black Australorp purchased at 6 months, now 2 years.
Henna - RIR 1 1/2 years old from very first batch of chicks
Sienna - Daughter of Henna, 6 months old
Aaaaaaagh! - Gorgeous GLW mix, 6 months brooded by Cleopatra
Cocoa - Daughter of Ripley, brooded by Cleopatra 6 months
Onyx - Black Australorp crossed with CCL cross - black with a cute crest. Sweetest girl ever. 3 months, brooded by Ripley. Died 10/28/14 apparent internal injuries
Lacey - Silver Laced Wyandotte, 3 months, super sweet and brooded by Ripley.
Ebony - Black Ameraucana cross, 3 months, brooded by Little Owl
Stripe - Salmon Faverolle, 1 year old
Marigold - easter egger 3 months - Culled 1030/14 Respiratory symptoms
Velvet - Blue Ameraucan hatched by me, 1 year old
Tinkerbell - White Leghorn 1 1/2 years old from very first batch of chicks
Patience - White Cochin, 1 year old
Crazy - White Cochin, 1 year old
Nefertiti - Egyptian Fayoumis, 1 year old
Bountiful - Gorgeous Lavender Ameraucana/Salmon Faverolle mix - 6 months, brooded by Little Owl
Ginger - Mix, 3 months
Mae West - Blue Marans, probably 3 or more years at least, barely lays any more.
Patina - Blue Marans Cross of some kind, giant and great layer, very friendly. 1 year
Goosey Lucy - Mix 1 year
Starburst - marans mix - 1 year
Moonbeam - marans mix 1 year
Shado - marans mix 1 year
Baby - blue Ameraucana crossbeak, sweet and super chatty, takes no crap from anyone
Petra - Mix 3 months
Brown Sugar - CCL/GLW hybrid 1 year
Silly Booger - CCL/GLW hybrid 1 year
Rose - CCL/GLW hybrid 1 year
Isabeau - Lavender Ameraucana - 1 year
Smoke - mix 3 months
Egypt - Mix 6 months
Misty - Easter Egger 3 months
Zephyr - Mix 3 months
Muffy - Smooth partridge Silkie
Oompa Loompa - bantam black cochin
Capuchin - Smooth Black Silkie
Monkey - Black Siklie
Argonaut - Buff Silkie
Squeek - Barred Rock - 3 months
B'Gawk! - Mix looks like Barred Ameraucana 3 months
Thumbelina - split Black Ameraucana @3 years


2 blues and 3 yellows yet unnamed

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