6+ Cream Legbar Hatching Eggs


Chicken Czar
12 Years
Dec 22, 2011
Cypress, TX
My Coop
My Coop
I can ship 6+, 12+, 18+ eggs. I asked for $35 for each half dozen and and a flat rate of $15 for shipping.

We individually wrap each egg in custom cut bubble wrap tubes that creates a tight fit directly inside the priority shipping boxes. All the feed back from the receiving end of our shipped eggs have been very complimentary and we have yet to have a single cracked egg.

We are currently working with three flocks of Cream Legbars. Unless requests are made for stock from a particular flock, we typically ship 6 & 12 egg orders all from Blaze's flock (see photos) since they are the best repre\sentation of the color standard. Extras come from our other two flocks whihc yelps us ensure you have lots of fresh eggs on shipday and a deeper gene pool. Orders for 18 eggs may require an even split from all three flocks to get you fresh eggs. We always fit as many eggs as we can in the shipping boxes so you can expect lost of etra eggs.

We can not guarantee hatch rates, and quality will vary from chick to chick. We have been delighted with the results from our flocks and hope that you will be too.
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