6 days after "due date"


11 Years
Aug 20, 2008
Colorado...but home is Maine
and i think it's time to give up. There's no movement at all. So I think this hatch is a bust for me. But I ordered some from Ideal, I have several little fluffy butts to tend to now.

I don't think I will give up trying to incubate. But next time i will get an incubator instead of the homemade ones i tried.
I would say, yeah it is time, but don't get discouraged, you tried and learned from the experience.
Get that incubator and try again.
I'm really sorry. We're all feeling the pain with you.

This might be hard, but perhaps you should break one or two of the eggs open to see how far the development got. That might help to determine what went wrong.

Keep trying - it will work out!
Yep, I would say its a no go. I know its hard to give up, might always be that chance. Make sure your dates are right, if so giver up. Sorry!!!
Sorry it didnt work out this time !!! Better luck next time.... I would also break them open and see what went wrong !!!!! Also like buckaroo said check your dates and make sure your not off !!!!
they seemed to have quit around day 15-18 or so. There was a mutt egg from the farmers market that seemed fully formed but didn't make it. I think it was probably a temperature fluctuation that did them in.

I will wait till spring and try again. I am bummed, but these little ones from Ideal should keep us busy for a bit.
Oh, so sorry about your babies.

You will have better luck next time, I know it!
Have fun with your new babies! I'm sure they will be even more spoiled!
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Awwww sorry. I am glad you have fuzzies from Ideal to help keep you occupied. Having my fuzzies from Welp is helping me with the tension of my first hatch ever.

So the answer is to ALWAYS have new shipped fuzzies every time you have to hatch.

That may mean keeping several hundred chickens at a time but really is there such a thing as TOO many chickens???


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