6 dead chicks...only gizzards neatly left

Possible typo?
I see 1/2 inch hardware cloth recommended much more often than 1/4."
The holes are a bit bigger, but still small enough to keep out most things, and the individual wires are enough bigger and stronger that it holds up better to larger predators.
Yes, even though 1/2 inch is bigger holes the wire is much thicker therefore stronger and is coated against rust. 1/4 inch is thin wire and I can attest to the fact from experience that it will rust quickly. I had some buried and some laid on the ground as an apron to prevent diggers. When I made some changes the next year I literally ripped them apart with my bare hands trying to remove them to use in the new space. Granted the rust made it easier for my ‘pushing 70’ year of female hands, but without rusting a raccoon, a dog, a fox, can easily rip a hole. 1/2 inch might be bigger but there isn’t much going to get through. Maybe small mice, small snakes, insects, but I’ll take my chances with those, not with larger varieties of predators. ( and I have a particularly severe phobia for snakes, can’t even look at photos).
Next flock will certainly be kept indoors at night until they're old enough to be outside on their own.
I think this circumstance had more to do with predator proofing your setup than the age of the chicks. I agree that cats only pick on the smaller birds, but if a cat can get in your coop, so can all the predators that eat adult chickens. Once you have your coop secure, any age bird should be safe in there. If you have electricity in your coop, you could keep your brooder out there from day one, if you wanted.

If you keep your coop door open overnight, then your run has to be absolutely Fort Knox. But as long as you close up the coop safely enough at night, then your run only has to be secure enough for daytime predators.

I know how bad you feel losing your chicks. I think it’s great that you are not giving up and will start again. I wish you luck, and hope your next flock is a happier experience.
We have cats and they are not interested in our chickens. I say racoons or even skunks.
It would definitely depend on the cat. My mom has a barn cat that almost got on of our 4w old chicks my kids had in the yard. She has killed many birds and mice also. The rest of the barn cats could care less they just want more kibble lol

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