6 Hatched, 1 more pip! New Baby chick pictures on pg 2!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 3, 2009
My wife and I set 41 eggs (11 Blue Ameraucana, 6 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, 20 Black Copper Marans, and 4 Easter Egger Mutts) on the 5th of January. We woke up to the sound of a very anxious Blue Ameraucana who zipped and hatched in 25 minutes. We have had four more pip over the last 4 hours, but no more have hatched yet. We will get some pictures up shortly.

Is it only me, or does everybody act like a teenage girl when chicks are hatching?
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It's almost as if WE accomplished something when a chick hatches. It's not as if we laid the egg or anything, but we are all proud parents. Congratulations, and here's hoping that you get a bunch more!

Yayyyy!!! Hatching is so exciting! But a bit nerve wracking at times.

It's just like with all babies, human or whatever with me. They make me googly-eyed and make me talk funny.

It's ok. I think it's universal.
Here are a few pictures of the first blue ameraucana chick (More in this flickr set).

About 10-15 minutes after hatching:

So tired that it tripped, ended up on its back, and fell asleep before it could get up.
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Number two just hatched, but it appears his navel is protruding and has a touch of blood on it. Hope things go well for him.

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