~6 Month old hen having trouble standing


In the Brooder
Oct 25, 2018
About two months back, I acquired 6 chickens and 3 ducks. I originally went to purchase only 5 chickens, but after taking an interest in a chicken that seemed to be having trouble walking, the seller decided to let me throw her into the bundle too, on the logic that she might be happier with chickens mostly her own size. As a weak juvenile, the older hens of the flock I bought from were more than happy to pick on her, and I figured that getting her into a much smaller flock with others her own size might help her heal up.

For the past two months, she has been making great progress, and has gone from "penguin" walking to standing a bit more chicken-like. (No, she was not egg bound. I checked and treated her several different ways for it, to no result. From what the seller told me, she had been walking like that since hatching, and most likely had just grown deformed.)
However, this morning when I went out to feed, she seems to have digressed drastically. She is having trouble standing on her own now, and will only walk with the use of her wings. When she stands, the left leg twitches as if she's trying to move it, but can't. At first I thought it might be Marek's, but I don't believe that's the case. Her eyes appear to look fine, and she is eating, drinking, and pooping normally. She is still extremely chipper, and the other chickens are treating her gently. My two remaining ducks stayed by her side all day and seem extremely distressed by her condition.

Upon looking her over, the only abnormalities I can spot are red blotches around her ears. Other than that, her legs, wings, and general body seem okay. I will get pictures of her feet, legs, and the blotches tomorrow when there is adequate light.

Any thoughts on what might be ailing her?



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Whatever it is at this point I think is irrelevant. Could be a spinal injury, may be Mareks. I personally would cull to ease her suffering. She looks very uncomfortable and her quality of life is going to be poor unfortunately.
(Disclaimer: I know nothing, so can be of no real help, but I read lots of these posts....) Can you post of picture of the ear issues you mentioned? Or a video of her? The picture looks rough, but you say she is chipper. Do you have a picture of what she looked like previously, for comparison. I'm a softie, but would hate for you to cull her prematurely.....
(Disclaimer: I know nothing, so can be of no real help, but I read lots of these posts....) Can you post of picture of the ear issues you mentioned? Or a video of her? The picture looks rough, but you say she is chipper. Do you have a picture of what she looked like previously, for comparison. I'm a softie, but would hate for you to cull her prematurely.....

I'll do that as soon as I can tomorrow. The pictures I posted are from when I first got her. I'll see if I can find some from the "in between" period. And the way she looks in the photos is quite deceiving. She really isn't very photogenic...
I really don't want her to suffer, but at the same time, I'm quite attached.
Any help is appreciated, thank you.
Good luck to you. She may not be photogenic, but she has lovely coloring. Hopefully someone with more knowledge will chime in. I understand, I wouldn't want her to suffer either but sometimes it is hard to know what to do. Where are you located? Weather/climate can be a factor.
Good luck to you. She may not be photogenic, but she has lovely coloring. Hopefully someone with more knowledge will chime in. I understand, I wouldn't want her to suffer either but sometimes it is hard to know what to do. Where are you located? Weather/climate can be a factor.
Thank you =)
I'm in Canada, just above Idaho. We've been having wonderful weather (15+ c and sunny) for the past few days. It did get cold about a week ago, but their coop is very well cold protected in preparation for the coming winter.
She seems to be doing a bit better this morning. She does seem to be having trouble getting up still, but once I put her outside with the others she perked right up and was running around like a madman. I managed to get pictures of her red patches and a video of her walking.
Pictures attached, videos incoming.
Whatever it is at this point I think is irrelevant. Could be a spinal injury, may be Mareks. I personally would cull to ease her suffering. She looks very uncomfortable and her quality of life is going to be poor unfortunately.

Thank you for your input, and sorry for the late response. Apparently it didn't post the first time. At this point, I'm only keeping her alive because she appears to be strong in mind. She doesn't show any outward signs of suffering, other than her gimp with walking, but the moment she does, I will definitely put her down. The last thing I want is for her to be in pain. I just don't want to unnecessarily cull such a lively animal.
I checked for mites and gently stretched both legs. Videos are before I stretched. Only difference afterwards is that her balance seemed a bit better. I almost feel like it might be something in her hip?


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