6 new babies! Chicken Math lol


May 23, 2022
Central Maine
So we got 6 new babies.. our other babies are now 6 weeks and thriving.. yesterday we got 5 Americanas and one Jersey giant at TSC.. the Americanas are straight run so am excited to find out the gender lol gonna be a surprise I bet.. the Jersey Giant is a pullet.. hubby and I can't fathom the chicken math lol love our chickens.. this makes 13 total! 🥰


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Part of me is relieved we can't by chicks so easily as American's but I see these beautiful chicks and I am super jealous! If we had a TSC I think we'd have hundreds of chickens....
I know what you mean.. it is terribly hard to leave that store without babies when they have them.. I am sure my chicken math will multiply next spring lol
Part of me is relieved we can't by chicks so easily as American's but I see these beautiful chicks and I am super jealous! If we had a TSC I think we'd have hundreds of chickens....
we live in Canada (you can order chicks to pick up at feed stores, but they don’t just have random ones to sell), but in a border area so we cross to go to TSC for a lot of stuff. it’s very difficult to talk myself out of smuggling chicks home when I see them in those bins.
Lovely babies! You might as well surrender to chicken math; resistance is futile.

My favorite feed/farm store so very nicely keeps the brooders of chicks, ducklings, goslings and occasional keets squarely in the middle of the aisle where the poultry feed is displayed. There is constant temptation for me to add to my flock, and I receive a LOT of encouragement from the staff because they know my weakness. I've even been the recipient of a free chick when they needed to get rid of their last laying chick that season.

Every time I am in there buying feed, I just remind myself that my "accidental" chickens last year cost me more than $800 when I had to build another coop. Here's the kicker: Of the eight birds that should have been housed there (bringing my per-bird cost to a MERE $100 or so), one little rooster had to be rehomed, and the three full-sized Cochin girls ended up in their own coop when I did a little juggling (the very confident Cochins were overwhelming the remaining two Bantam Cochins, Columbian Wyandotte and Bielefelder).

So, the Taj Ma-Coop -- expertly built by a friend -- houses FOUR chickens. Hey, when I look at it that way, MAYBE I do have room for a few more?

Best wishes with your new additions -- and all those to come!
So we got 6 new babies.. our other babies are now 6 weeks and thriving.. yesterday we got 5 Americanas and one Jersey giant at TSC.. the Americanas are straight run so am excited to find out the gender lol gonna be a surprise I bet.. the Jersey Giant is a pullet.. hubby and I can't fathom the chicken math lol love our chickens.. this makes 13 total! 🥰
love those fluffy cheeks!!

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