6 week Australorps???? new pics added at end

Have you tried using the upload button on this site?

At the top of the page, find the blue bar, says Index, User List...go over to "Uploads", select, then hit browse and find the folder with your pics

select the one you want, hit submit. Wait for the upload, then right click on 2nd tab that says Img.

select "copy", then go back to your original post, and right click again and put "paste"

go down to preview and make sure it's the right photo, then hit "submit" again.

I hope I am not offending you, by giving you step by step, not sure what you have tried yet...
not offended at all. will try that now. was looking for just an attachment button. thanks
i assume you mean can't maintain itself color wise. They are perfectly able to reproduce (sex links that is) You can get some interesting color combos in preceding generations.
I just meant it cant reproduce itself meaning wont produce more black sex links (if that s the case)
What they said. You can see some barring on the picture that JodyJo posted, yours don't have that.

I can tell you that we started out with red sex links and they are great layers and ours were super friendly, too. We ended up adding some other breeds later, but that's what was available locally when we wanted to get chicks, to that's what we got and we've never regretted it. You're correct that they won't reproduce 'true' but that wasn't important to us. They give a lot of eggs, which was important and they let my kids and us handle them with no problems. I hope you like yours as much as we do ours!

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