6 week Australorps???? new pics added at end

The chick my son is holding is a BR roo...see the wings, there is barring on it even at a day or two old.

Yours, I am not sure of now, I do have 2 Black Sex link females at home, I don't have pics of them, I KNOW what they are!!

I will get pics and post, if they are BSL, you will know very soon, they will start to get brownish feathering around the neck.

ok yeah there is def no barring on any wings as there are in Jodyjo's pics. A lot of them do have a little white on the wing tips though.

I haven't noticed any brown or read feathering

Seems like 2 maybe 3 have white spread on the head so I guess they are the roos.

Thanks for the help and i'll start looking up info on them if thats what you all think they are.
Have you considered Australorps? the others in the tub with the BR are those type...yours look similar
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I think they look like the BSL from TSC also. I've never seen any BRs without headspots. Just because you can't tell immediately what the sex is(when they reproduce) doesn't mean they won't lay a lot of eggs! I love mutt chickens!
i dont know much except what i was told which was wrong apparently so they could be anything for all I know.
ok so i just looked up australorp chicks and they really look like that...

Anyone else think thats what they are?
Look at the legs/feet. Australorps will have black legs/feet with pinkish undersides. A sexlink could have pretty much anything depending on what breeds were used to create them. Once the chicks really start feathering in, the sex links will have some red mixed in through the neck and breast and maybe else where on the body but Australorps will be solid black.

The description the seller told you though sounds like they were describing sexlinks.

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