6 week Australorps???? new pics added at end

The look like my austrolorp's I had last year when they start feathering in if they are sex links they will start to have red feathers on the under neck area that is what happened with my sex links. Both are great egg layers I am not sure what you would get if you breed the sex links it would depend on what rooster you used. I have a bantam cochin mix that I am breeding to my girls I will know in 20 days what they will look like.
yeah but they also told me they were black and white barred. I dont think the people there had a clue to be honest except the owner but the place was clean and the chickens looked really happy.
yeah a few pics i saw they look a lot like the BA's. Either way they are becoming quite friendly.
Here are my Australorps as they got older, about 6 weeks here I believe...

I raised 5 of these, all roos...beautiful bird, I now have 2 chicks, pullets...

A lot of them are starting to lose the white chest and it seems to be filling in all black, for now at least... I guess that would lead towards BA's?
If the wings aren't barred at all, not BR...more like the Australorp....if pullets you will have a lot of eggs! A great chicken! Post more pics when they get a bit older...
def no barring at all.. they are really friendly. jump right up on my hands if I have something for them.

will get some new pics in a week or so.
in the last few days one of them has really developed a pink comb and you can see wattles coming in.......do the roos tend to develop around the same time or can they be varied? None of the rest have anything close, yet at least, to what he has.

They seem to all have the same tail right now too?

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