6 week Australorps???? new pics added at end

ok here is a pic of the one I think is def a boy. non of the others are even close. many are starting to have a small comb but it really pale still. would they be more developed and pink at this point if boys? they are 6 weeks.



no he is the only one with the big pink comb and wattles. some others have much smaller pale peach combs but nothing close to him
hmmm, post new pics in a week or so, try to get feather shots, and watch the combs, they don't all red up at once...you know you have at least one roo, chances are you have more in the batch.
last shot, one on the right looks rooish...looks likeyou may have a lot of pullets! Keep taking pics, I take them weekly, (can help others identify also) and we will see how they develop! Good luck!
also meant to say that he has been growing that pink comb for over a week already

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