6 week old buff cochin

It's a tough call at this point. Like you said, he's inbetween. I'd lean toward cockerel, as cochins are usually slower to mature than faster, so slow developing cockerel would be much more likely than fast developing pullet.

This was her at 7 weeks
Time will tell. If those little red wattles keep growing down, then probably a boy. I see what you mean about the others being pink, too. The pullets don't usually get the wattles until much later. From my experience anyway. I hope you get a girl. Today I have to rehome my little Tolbunt Polish because SHE crowed and I don't need anymore roosters. Sad day.

This is my blue cochin at 10 weeks and her wattles get pretty red when it's really hot. But you can tell she has a wattle and comb starting.
I took this picture a few minutes ago, and yeah, looks like a little dude. I'm glad that he's such a sweetie. He was falling asleep in my hand. :)

This is my 4 week old Lemon Blue Bantam Cochin. It was obvious with "Jake", the Roo (front) actions and behaviors....he runs up to the front of the brooder and challenges me. "PB (Princess Bubblegum)" is really shy and stays safe and aware in the pen. They were hatched the very same day and were from the same "clutch" of eggs. I say your "Butters" is a pullet. The the lil Bantam Cochins have SOOOO much personality. I love mine and will add more along the way. Have fun, hold her much to keep her used to it.

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