6 week old handicapped chick looking for home In Minnesota

Dr Evy

Bird Nerd
Premium Feather Member
Apr 12, 2021
Hi guys,
(I hope I’m posting this in the right place, sorry if I’m not)
I’m really sad I have to be posting this but it’s what’s best for my chick. I have a 6 week old chick named Ozzy, when he was young he developed a slipped tendon that despite all my efforts, I wasn’t able to fix. His leg is basically all the way behind him where his vent is.

Where I live I’m not able to keep roosters so I need to find him a home. I’m looking for someone in or around Minneapolis that takes handicapped chickens. I can’t drive him to you, and I won’t ship. We can meet at a public place if needed.

I made Ozzy a wheelchair (it’s not quite finished yet) that you can take. He’ll outgrow it as he gets bigger but for now it’s perfectly sized.

I’ll need proof that you actually take handicapped chickens and aren’t just going to kill him as I have loved him since the moment he popped out of his little egg.

He’s had siblings before but he doesn’t anymore, they all went off to live on a farm. I only kept him because of his leg.

He can’t get around super well (not sure if the wheelchair will help or make it worse) so he needs to be babied.

Please let me know if you will take him or if you know anyone who can. Thanks have a wonderful day :)

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