6 Week Old Mystery Mixes


8 Years
Oct 21, 2012
Well, I was sold a dozen of silkie and frizzle mix eggs, and a dozen of "polish mixes." All Hatched May 18th.

My temp was off in the incubator and we had a pretty horrible hatch. I have 12 babies, but some just appear a little off!
Usually I get about 70% Hens. This time... Not so sure..

Most have multiple toes and feathered legs. Most also appear to my unskilled eyes to be roosters. Anyone out there think they can help me out on breed or genders?

1 - 2nd Runt, very small and reserved. Thinking hen.





6 - Acts like a hen, but has always had a larger comb. "Voice" changed first at 1 week old.

7 - 99% Rooster.

8 - Only one I know is a Silkie / EE mix.


10 - 99% Rooster.

11 - 99% Rooster.

12 - The Runt

Any help is greatly appreciated~ Thanks!!
I agree with your guesses, for the others I am split 50/50. I have heard that silkies are hard to sex, maybe yours will be the same way... Number six, though, I think is a cockerel.
Thank you! I think so also. I'm looking through my past photos of chicks and haven't seen so much red before. Jeebus.

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