673 PAGES of unanswered posts!


Big Pippin'
11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Elizabethtown, NC
There are 673 pages of unanswered posts. Help out my scrolling all the way to the bottom of the index screen and click on the "view unanswered posts" link. Get to answering some post, people!

With 50,000 members now, there are going to be some that fall through the cracks. It causes frustration and turns new folks off that don't get a post answered. Let's get to work!
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Just some friendly advice dont go more then a few days back.. If you pull up older stuff the mods will repriomand you..
I try to do a few pages each day...
I try to do that- I wish I could be more help though. I have had chickens for several years, but I really don't know a lot.
Thanks for the suggestion. I had no idea that we could do this, so I went back and tried to help out with a few. I'll check it periodically from now on.
Why would they get mad?
You are only trying to help someone out. When a post goes unanswered, it could cause hurt feelings and think no one cares, then they might not come back.
I don't understand why.
Why would they get mad?
You are only trying to help someone out. When a post goes unanswered, it could cause hurt feelings and think no one cares, then they might not come back.
I don't understand why.

Last year a bunch of follks where trying to help get the Unaswered posts down and were pulling up posts from a few months back .. If you go past page 15 or so the posts will have been from atleast a week ago and they would rather you do the ones like in the last few days.. I should have used different wording they dont get Mad, they will just ask you to work on recent ones first .. i usaully start a day or two past then work my way up.. Also even if i cant help I try to put a generic post so that it atleast gets an oppurtunity to be seen.. Most of the time someone jumps in after I post something like " Sorry I cant help but I am sure soemeone on here can" they usaually get hit again with real advice within the hour.. The mods here are great so I do take back the MAd comment...
I don't even know how you even begin to know this......but I personally go through "recent posts" and always reply to posts that have no replies.... I hope everyone else can at least take two seconds to do the same

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