6th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2015 Hatch-A-Long

Ha, that's cute, lucky it has buddies.
My baby sort of does..all of the others aren't afraid of it any more, and are laying up by the wire. Hope I get a buddy for this loner tomorrow. ron, didn't know that the EE's hatch early, those others best get on the ball then!
Hay! This is my baby! It came from a white egg.
I am seriously going to DIE from WAITING! UGH!!!

I wrapped up 4 eggs out of the incubator and quickly took them out to my broody in the barn that has been pining for chicks for about 5 or 6 weeks now. She had a couple of eggs that were good that I traded her for the eggs from the incubator. I gave those 2 eggs she had to her neighbor broody friend (musical egg game). They are the sweetest gentle broody girls. If I can get this to work successfully she will be a happy, happy girl! And that will be less babies in our brooder, which would be another bonus. You can call me crazy for this nonsense, but that's my middle name, so.......

My humidity wasn't going higher than about 40% earlier today. I have water in the bottom and I added a sponge in a small container this evening. I'm hoping it will creep up as the evening goes by. Its at about 43% now.

I'm putting my bet on the bantam Lav Am/cochin mix egg to hatch first. Don't ask me why......

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