7 days left...an eternity


13 Years
May 13, 2010
My eggs (18...I think 13 growing?) are due to hatch on the eighth.The friend I got the eggs from has 2 RIR roosters,and a red star rooster.The hens are BO's,Red stars,RIR's and one Turken.Most of the eggs are light to med brown one is white.Any ideas what any of these crosses will look like?? I'm dying with anticipation!!
yeah...probably red...just because I impulse bought 12 RIRs about 8 weeks ago...then a week later I wanted ducks,so I picked out 3 mallards(who seem to be all males...argh!)but you had to get a minimum of 6 birds...so I got 3 more rirs....that I think are actually either sexlinks or ISA browns...I have 3 Black Jersey Giants and 3 Barred rocks coming around the 14th...so some color variation.My coop is 12x7 so I'm limited on how many.According to what I've read that's housing for 28 birds.Two of the five(?) roosters will be kept...not sure what to do with the others yet
That's gonna be hard....

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