7 Easter Eggers - 2 age groups - 2 questions


11 Years
Mar 20, 2011
1. What Sex :D
2. How old. I think 2 age groups. I bought them in two batches one week or so apart from a local breeder...doesn't mean they are 1 week apart. I'm trying to figure out if they are all old enough to go outside in the new breeding pen /hutch I built. Its been about 80 - 90 every day here, cooler with the wind. I think at a minimum the little white one is too young. I CAN put some out and leave some in I just thought it would be nice for them to get out!

I think it would be fine to put them out in the run, just make sure that they do have shelter.
I have some that are 3 weeks old that are in the run.
Thanks, they are my first group of Easter Eggers. Anybody have any ideas what genders I might have? I do plan on keeping at least one roo. Maybe two if they get along. I'm hoping for no more than that.
Now, I'm not 100%, but I think that the top picture and the bottom picture are pullets. In each picture of the duo's I think that there are a rooster and pullet
in each photo. So out of 6 chicks looks like 2 roos and 4 pullets.
they look like pullets wait till they fully feather out and then repost about 2 weeks after that as the feathers are still changing until they reach adult hood and then they change with each molt a little bit

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