7 mo old EE laid once then not again?


5 Years
May 3, 2016
I have 14 hens, all the same age but a variety of breeds. They all started laying approx 1-2 mo ago (they are now about 7mo old. I have two EE chickens. About 1 month ago I had 2 green eggs, but since that day I only get one. I have on a few occasions seen the same EE laying but never the other. Is this normal? Its been a month since I have had 2 green eggs. I get 1 green egg every single day right now. I will say the one I assume is not lying seems a little more flighty then all the other girls.. she is the most skittish when I am around but i see her eating and drinking and she actually is roosting on the top roost and not forced on the bottom. Any suggestions or comments ?? I just think its awful weird. Thank you
Every EE I ever owned never laid daily, so if you have one laying that's pretty good. Most of mine lay for a bit and quit. They are bred for egg color and not production and are basically mutts, so every hen will be different as far as egg production and egg color and they way they look.
When you did get 2 green eggs in the same day, could you tell them apart?
Or are they so similar that you're not sure who laid which one?

Agrees EE can be very inconsistent layers.....starting and stopping with no real pattern.
Yah, so they literally only laid once on the same day. I've never had two eggs since. The eggs look the same every day I get one. I will say the past few days I have watched the behavior of the hens more closely and although she is "allowed" to roost on the top roost bar she is getting picked on when trying to eat and just in general. I witnessed her segregating herself from all the other girls this morning. When they all came into the coop to get treats from me she remained outside and when she did come In she stayed in the back. When I threw down treats she quickly shied away when approached by other hens. I am now guessing maybe she is feeling stressed so she actually might not he laying due to stress? I'm not sure that there is anything I can do about that?
Yah, so they literally only laid once on the same day. I've never had two eggs since. The eggs look the same every day I get one. I will say the past few days I have watched the behavior of the hens more closely and although she is "allowed" to roost on the top roost bar she is getting picked on when trying to eat and just in general. I witnessed her segregating herself from all the other girls this morning. When they all came into the coop to get treats from me she remained outside and when she did come In she stayed in the back. When I threw down treats she quickly shied away when approached by other hens. I am now guessing maybe she is feeling stressed so she actually might not he laying due to stress? I'm not sure that there is anything I can do about that?
Interesting ! I am having a similar issue! I have 3 in an 8x8 coop. One is fearful ("Feral Fiona"), has laid 1 egg...that's it, no further eggs have been produced. Always gets bottom rung when roosting, picked on, etc. not sure what to do either....? I am getting an EE this weekend, so I am glad to know what to expect with her:)
They may both be laying.....check vents and pelvic points.

Dry, tight, and smaller - usually not laying.
Moist, wide, and larger - usually laying

Pelvic Points 2 bony points(pelvic bones) on either side of vent:
Less than 2 fingertip widths apart usually means not laying.
More than 2 fingertip widths apart usually means laying.

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