7 month old Wyandotte not laying


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 15, 2012
I have a 7 month old that's still not laying. She is on the bottom of the pecking order. Do you think stress couldbe the reason behind it? She otherwise seems healthy.
Has she started laying yet, or has she not even begun? I know some hens take a little longer than others, it just depends on each hen. If she has stopped laying it could be she is just resting. I had a hen stop laying for a couple weeks.
Haha, don't kind the dog. Didn't know she made it in there. She leaves them alone but gets curious when I messing with them.
Mine took forever to begin laying. I can't remember how long, but 7 months doesn't sound too far fetched. Hope your starts soon...
She seems healthy and happy.

I have 3 hens about 6 1/2 months old - 1 barred rock, 1 red Ancona, and 1 RIR/white leghorn cross. They all seem healthy and happy, eat well, get plenty of free range time, but are yet to lay an egg. Not having reared from chicks before (previous chickens have been adults or pullets) I'm not sure if they're something else I should be doing, but until I find out what that is I'll just keep them as happy, healthy and safe as possible.

I have a feeling that my chickens have me better trained than I have them!

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