7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Duck #3 has arrived.

Congratulations! Need to see all fluffed up. Yep....
I can't keep up today!
I did eggtopsies a few hours ago. It looks like the chicken eggs all died on the same day as the duck eggs (this batch of duck eggs, which were set on the 18th). Without temperature fluctuations or anything else coming to mind, I don't know what happened.
I also have a picture of the filled bread bootie.
But first a cutie!!

I can't keep up today!
I did eggtopsies a few hours ago. It looks like the chicken eggs all died on the same day as the duck eggs (this batch of duck eggs, which were set on the 18th). Without temperature fluctuations or anything else coming to mind, I don't know what happened.
I also have a picture of the filled bread bootie.
But first a cutie!!

Nothing hatched? :/ What?

Well that cutie, is a cutie, and is that chili? I never did make any yesterday. I need to, I need to. Perfect weather.
Nothing hatched. Yes, that is chili with cheese. More of the canned stuff. Canned as in from the store. My chili is much better, but I wanted to get rid of old canned goods first.

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