7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Good morning everyone, one of my 10 won't make it. It's never opened it's eyes. All the others are running around eating and drinking just fine. Looks like 5 are the breed I ordered. 4 a different type. Still good by me. I like them.

Sorry one won't make it, but congrats on the other 9. Any pics? (I may have missed them, still haven't caught up completely)
Sorry one won't make it, but congrats on the other 9. Any pics? (I may have missed them, still haven't caught up completely)

I'll try and get new pic they already look different. I think one is a Sulmtaler and two Bresse although not sure on that as one of them has black spots on its wings. Going to go back to breeders pictures and see if I can find one that looks like it. I did post a pic they were in a plastic box with paper towels. I'll probably win the cutest picture award with that one. :lau
And Unzipped!
It is tired from all that hatching Work!


I can already tell I'm gonna be a hatchaholic, and my dad hears my mom and I egg shopping online, and he's been yelling all day, "I'm Not Gonna Build Another Coop!" and my Mom told him, "Then I'll just buy one of these expensive ones!" He shut up fast.
Of course you are a hatchaholic now!

I know a lot of chicken breeds, and have done tons of research on origins and stuff. This was my first batch, and I want more... My mom has gone on hatchery websites I have told her about, and is making a list of all the breeds she likes, along with egg colors, and then apparently she's picking her top three and I have to hatch them for her. Every time she comes in here she starts opening the incubator, picking the eggs up, cooing, trying to break the shell open, while I'm like, " Mom, No, Mom, You can't do that, Please Stop, MOM!" She doesn't listen... Almost broke one shell fully in two while I left for a minute. Little guy was ok after I closed him up and amped up humidity. She was so sad she couldn't help, and realized she was hurting him after I literally lectured her on why she can't.
Oh My!

I hope your Mom believes you now!
60% hatch rate isn't to shabby for this time of year. What took out most of my eggs was infertility. But I still got all these cute little fuzzy butts. Congrats to all the new chicky parents on all your adorable hatchlings. May you be overflowing in pullets. :clap


First chick finally hatched and is making her presence known! Very noisy in the bator and knocking all the other eggs all over the place. Hopefully she settles down and relaxes till morning lol

How Cute! She is encouraging the others to get out.
Hunkering down next to his zipper buddy- I think I'm gonna call it a night after this. Bye everyone!
What a great night of hatching you had!

These are the two that hatched overnight :) I have 3 rhodebar eggs pipped in the bator now. Just a day late :) it really stinks that i have to leave for about 4 hours but maybe I'll come home to some new babies

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