7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

I hatched a total of 12! They're all Ameraucana X Leghorns. I was lucky enough to have a broody that only hatched two chicks so I gave all of these to her and she accepted them without any problems. Hope everybody's hatches went great!
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Congrats everyone on all your new babies! My hatch is still continuing. Since my Temps were low, my babies that were due Friday are still working their way out. I have 5 so far. 3 ameraucana mixes, one silkie mix and one rhodebar pullet :). I was hoping they'd all be on time and the ones that were due today would hatch since I have a lady coming to buy some today lol. Oh well, as long as I have some for her. Thera still an ameraucana and a rhodebar egg in there, both pipped and I think 5 BCM eggs so working on it (at least one of those is pipped so far).

Whoever is having issues with wry neck, I've had success treating by giving a mixture of vitamin E and Selenium. I would just crush about 1/4 tablet of selenium and mix it with a couple drops of edible vitamin E oil (used a little water with vitamins/electrolytes to water it down) and gave it twice a day in an eye dropper. I think that mixture was enough for 1 day. Improvements only took a day or so but I continued to give it for about a week or so. This was for a turkey poult last year that had a rough time. Unfortunately, i ended up losing the little guy to a totally different thing but he was getting so strong before that. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/983431/help-tangled-umbilical-distended-yolk#post_15368233 Here's a thread to the link about Will. It doesn't mention the wry neck until about the 5th post but in case anyone was interested. Good luck!
They are not big brooders and the brooder plate is rated for 20 chicks.

I set 45 eggs and found some more with cracks and pulled them. There were some clears and blood rings so 37 went into lockdown.

32 of them hatched!

These are out and about eating and stuff.

These are hiding under the brooder getting warm.

This is the second brooder. The chick at the bottom left hatched last and is weak. I think it will make it. He has a bit of a sore naval that I sprayed with Vetericyn and gave it a vitamin drop this morning. Another tonight and I will see tomorrow how things are going.

As a refresher, these are from Whole Foods ant Trader Joe's fertile eggs! 32 our of 4 dozen set.
At yours and Bama's encouragement, I bit the bullet and bought 2 Premier brooder plates - a small and an extra small. If I have more chicks to brood than that or in extremely cold weather I'll use my Ohio brooders.
I know chicks grow fast but I'm surprised how quickly and often I need to extend the legs on the Premiers.

Trader Joe's here doesn't carry fertile eggs. The dairy department guy never heard of them.
Whole Foods does but they're always too old to set. They come from a farm in Wisconsin, then go to the Midwest distribution center in Chicago and eventually make their way to St. Louis.
I need to look into selling fertile eggs to them (locally sourced)

I will raise them up until I know which are pullets and cockerels. I will save 5 or so pullets for myself and sell the others. The cockerels will be chicken dinner!

The whole foods eggs did better but both of the hatched great!

I ran the hatch at 99.9 degrees and 40% humidity.
They taste just like chicken.

I thought at first it was a puppy. But I just noticed it is a piglet!

Your babies are very cute!
My wife told me yesterday that she wants piglets. I said, what are you going to do with them when they get to 600 lbs? She said she only want's piglets and then she'll give them back.
We can't have any animals other than chickens here. Pigs would be a real no no.
They ran a pig farmer out of town that had been raising pigs on his farm for decades before a subdivision was built up around it. They didn't know there was a pig farm when they moved there? Crazy.
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