8 bantams from TSC. wondering what kind they are.


5 Years
Apr 20, 2014

There's two frizzles for sure. [The two with the backwards feathers] I think there might be an Araucana but i cant see properly. Can you get better pictures?
The frizzled black ones are Black Frizzle Cochins. The buff bird is a Buff Brahma. The black/white laced bird is a Silver Laced Wyandotte, and the black bird with silver hackles (neck feathers) could be a Birchen Cochin. However, I'm not sure if Cochins come in that variety.
The frizzled black ones are Black Frizzle Cochins. The buff bird is a Buff Brahma. The black/white laced bird is a Silver Laced Wyandotte, and the black bird with silver hackles (neck feathers) could be a Birchen Cochin. However, I'm not sure if Cochins come in that variety.
I agree.

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