8+ Show Quality Standard Speckled Sussex,Rhode Island Reds & Bantam Black Langshans For Trade

Indy Edge

In the Brooder
Oct 21, 2015
I have 8+ show quality shipping eggs I'd like to trade. I'm looking for 8 + standard size Marans, Welsummers, Cochins , Rhodebars or something a little different in exchange. You will get some standard Speckled Sussex that are from the Overton/Reichert line along with standard Rhode Island Reds from a breeder here in Indiana that has combined several different champion bloodlines. In bantams you will get Black Langshans which are from the Padgett line. The standard Sussex & RR eggs are medium and med/large in size from first year birds. I have had about a 85% fertility rate with them. . The bantam Langshans are from second year birds with nice eggs size and fertility. What you see in the photo is what I will send. Have any questions let me know I would like to ship these out Monday morning. Thanks
Sorry I just completed the trade for the eggs. I will be putting the next couple of weeks Rhode Island Red eggs in my incubator. I may have some available in a couple of weeks.

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