8 week Balck Ameraucanas, 6 week black Orpington, 6 week blue Orpington, 6 week splash Orpington


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 15, 2012
I know I butchered that spelling! Sorry!! I can't really tell the Ameraucanas from the Black orpington anymore! Lets see if anyone can gess the sex of these chicks - I'll try to post better pics when I get them later today... The Blue orpington is a roo, I'm convinced. Ginormous legs!!

i see a bunch of pullets...the ameraucuna will have a pea comb, slate legs, and a beard while the orp will have a straight comb, no beard
Better pics!!
Black Orp?

Black Orp in front

Black Orp to the right. (Ameraucana. left)

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