8 week old barred rock limping! What do I do?

Do you have any pictures of it standing from the front, or a short video uploaded to YouTube with a link posted here? Injury may be possible, but seeing the position of the legs could be helpful. Is she holding the leg up or putting weight on it?
She was putting weight on it. She's not limping anymore. I gave everybody a mist with the hose after I filled up the duck pool this afternoon and gave them some frozen corn and frozen yogurt. I wonder if it was getting too hot? I'm not sure but about an hour after misting them she perked back up and was back to normal.

Thats what I was thinking. I kept any eye on her. I moved their pen today bc I noticed where I had them had some broken glass that must've come up after the heavy rains we were getting. When we moved in here there was glass everywhere like the people before used the yard for trash or something. We thought we had it all up but every time it rains real heavy we find more and have to clean it all. I made sure when I moved the pen before I put them in that there was no glass. That was the first thing that came to mind was maybe she scratched over a piece and got cut but she had nothing at all on her and I searched again to make sure and there was no glass. I'm wondering if she could've stoved it jumping off the waterer. Her and the other barred rock I have both get on there and perch up for some reason. Is that a possibility?
They will perch on waterers and it may be an injury. I have an old farm and there is glass in the dirt that comes to the surface in freezing weather. I keep a coffee container to put each piece in. They will eat pieces of glass which can cause internal damage.
They will perch on waterers and it may be an injury. I have an old farm and there is glass in the dirt that comes to the surface in freezing weather. I keep a coffee container to put each piece in. They will eat pieces of glass which can cause internal damage.
Yea that makes me nervous so Everytime I see any at all I scour thru the whole yard to check. Even tho my birds aren't free range I have 5 kids that don't like wearing shoes and a dog who likes to bury his potties every time he goes. Lol so I keep a big tote or container to put it all into. I was using a 5 gallon water jug crate with a paper bag in it (like the ones for the at home water dispensers) but I got a few more of those I'm thinking about using for nest boxes. I'm just wondering if those are okay to use or not.
This is one of them.


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